Chapter 28

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Chapter name- A slow poison 

A few days passed, Ruhi and Samarth had gone for their honeymoon. One morning, Agastya woke up and saw Ishika sleeping. He smiled and kissed Ishika's forehead. He felt that she has fever. Agastya got worried. “ Biwi, Biwi. ” said Agastya while shaking Ishika. Agastya thought that Ishika would wake up but she didn't. 

Agastya quickly came down the bed and ran out of the room. He came to Parth's room. He knocked the door. “ Parth, Parth. ” said Agastya. Parth quickly got up when he heard Agastya's voice. He came down the bed and opened the door. “ What happened?” asked Parth, “ Parth, Biwi, she…she has very high fever. ” replied Agastya. 

Parth quickly picked his medical box and ran towards Agastya’s room. Agastya also went with him. Vanya also went behind Agastya and Parth. They came to the room. Parth sat on the bed and started to check Ishika. Parth looked at Agastya. “ Agastya, I have to do a blood test on Bhabhi. ” said Parth, “ Then what are you waiting for? Do it.” said Agastya. 

Parth picked the injection and took some blood out of Ishika's body. Then he kept it in the bottle. Parth got up. “ I need an hour to know how Bhabhi got fever because she is very healthy. ” said Parth. Agastya looked at Parth. “ An hour is too much. ” said Agastya. Parth kept his hand on Agastya's shoulder. “ Don't worry. Vanya, you try to get Bhabhi’s fever down. Till then I will come.” said Parth and went to the small medicine room that Agastya had made. 

Vanya went to the washroom and got a bowl with ice cold water. She kept a towel inside the bowl. Then she picked it and kept it on Ishika's head. Vanya kept doing it. The whole family came there. “ What happened to Ishika? ” asked Meena. Agastya looked at Meena. “ Maa, she has fever. ” replied Agastya. Meena got worried. When Parth came there. “ Mr Vyas, please come with me. ” said Parth. 

Mr Vyas looked at Parth and then walked with him. Parth got Mr Vyas to the clinic. Mr Vyas sat down. Parth looked at Mr Vyas. “ Why have you called me here? ” asked Mr Vyas. Parth picked an injection. “ I just want to do some blood test. ” said Parth. Mr Vyas folded his sleeves. Parth took Mr Vyas's blood sample. “ Thanks Mr Vyas. ” said Parth. Mr Vyas got up and left from there. Parth put some liquid in the blood that he took. 

After putting that liquid Mr Vyas’s blood colour remained the same colour but Ishika's blood colour changed. “ Oh no. ” said Parth. Parth quickly ran upstairs and came to Agastya's room. Agastya looked at him. “ What happened? ” asked Agastya. Parth came inside. “ Agastya, Bhabhi was given poison. ” replied Parth. Everyone was shocked to hear what Parth said. “ Poison. ” said Agastya. 

Nikhil came to Parth. “ But Ishika isn't showing any symptoms of being poisoned?” asked Nikhil. Parth looked at Nikhil. “ Uncle, this is a special kind of poison that first gives fever and then starts affecting the internal parts of the body. And Bhabhi is in the first stage of that poison. ” replied Parth. Agastya fell down. Everyone looked at him. “ My child is inside her. Do anything and save her. ” said Agastya. Parth sat near Agastya. “ Agastya, do you know someone who can do this?” asked Parth. 

Agastya moved his head. Suddenly he remembered something. He looked at Parth. “ Parth recently the house helps had been changed. What if it is someone from them? ” asked Agastya, “ It could be. ” replied Parth. Mr Vyas came to Parth. “ I don't know anything. I jeut want the cure for this poison. I have already lost Ishika once. I don't want to lose her again. ” said Mr Vyas. Agastya got up. “ Dhruv, Parth and Papa, you find out who the tractor is. And Mr Vyas, come let's go and get the cure. ” said Agastya and walked out. 

Parth came to Agastya. “ But the cure of this poison can only be found in the forest of Andaman and Nicobar islands. ” said Parth. Agastya looked at him. “ I know you means the Paripari Tribes. Don't worry. You know that I helped them when Andaman and Nicobar islands were flooded, they will surely help me out. ” said Agastya. Agastya and Mr Vyas sat in the helicopter and left for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 

Agastya was very worried for Ishika. He didn't want anything to happen to Ishika. After almost 5 hours of flying. Agastya’s helicopter landed on the helipad in the middle of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Agastya and Mr Vyas came down. Suddenly some tribals came and surrounded them. They had swords and stones in their hands. Agastya smiled. He did some hand signs. When an old tribal leader came there. 

Agastya smiled. “ Welcome my friend. ” said the tribal leader. Agastya and that tribal leader hugged each other. “ What happened? What brought you here?” asked the tribals leader, “ A compulsion. My wife has been poisoned and even she is pregnant and the cure of the poison is with you. Please give that to me. ” said Agastya. The tribal leader smiled. “ You have helped us in our time of need. It will be an honour that we will be able to help you in your time. ” said the tribal leader. 

The tribal leader looked at a man and then did some hand signs. That man went and got some medical herbs in a bowl. The tribal leader picked that bowl and gave it Agastya. Agastya smiled and then sat in the helicopter with Mr Vyas and left from there. Meanwhile in the Singhania palace, Nikhil, Dhruv and Parth were sitting. They had all the house help standing in front of them. 

Nikhil got up. “ So tell us who is the one who poisoned my daughter. Tell me. ” shouted Nikhil. All the house helps got scared. Nikhil saw a house help who was a man trembling in fear. Nikhil understood that this man was the one. Nikhil came to that man and slapped him. “ Tell me who was it? Who gave you the money to do this to my daughter? ” asked Nikhil. That man started to cry. 

He folded his hands. “ Sahab, I didn't wanted to do it but those people kidnapped my daughter and wife and blackmailed me. ” said that man. When the landline rang. Dhruv picked the call. “ It looks like Nikhil Singhania still has a lot of strength. But she will never know who I am. ” said a man, “ Who are you? ” asked Dhruv in anger, “ You will get to know it very soon. ” replied that man and cut the call.

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