Part 1

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Violet POV

Ugh, back at it again. UCONN volleyball right hitter. I can't believe I'm a sophomore already. Thanks to my uncle he was able to get some people to go to my highschool volleyball games to see how 'good' i am. So he says.

I've always been greatful for my uncle. He's always been there to help us after my dad died and my mom had to take care of me by herself. I ended up getting a full scholarship to UCONN and got to start for their girls volleyball team.

Today we're moving back into our dorms and getting situated. As I'm walking down the hall to my dorm I see my bestie, my friend for LIFE. Isabella.

"ISSA!!" I said dropping my bags and running full sprint towards her. She smiled at me and opened her arms. I jumped into her arms causing us to fall.

"Ahhhhh, i missed you sooo muchhhhh!" i said squeezing her. "Okay okay, i still need to breath you know." she said taping my arm multiple times.

"Oh shit my bad" i got up smiling at her before hugging her again. Making her laugh and hug me back. "you really missed me huh? you sure you don't have attachment issues?" she said pulling away.

I rolled my eyes. "no i just have anxiety chill. anyways! how was your summer bestie." i asked walking back to get my bag and going into my dorm. which happens to be shared with her AGAIN. omg the universe must love me.

I LOVE YOU TOO UNIVERSE. anyways back to our conversation.

"it was good. i uh started talking to someone." she said shyly. i gasp in a dramatic way. "NO. WAY.! who?!" i said from my room while she was in the living room.

if you couldn't tell i'm like super hyper when with people im comfortable with. i can't help it really.

"uh, we'll keep her name anonymous till we're official but she goes here. she's uh a basketball player actually." i heard her say.

"WHAT?! aweeeee that's so cute bestie. i super happy for you!" i said pulling her into a hug.

"speaking of basketball, my uncle is having a meeting/practice with all of the girls before their first actual practice. I was lowkey thinking of popping by bringing snacks and whatnot for him and the girls if you wanna come." i said walking back to my room to change.

"uh yea! that's sounds cool. I'll go with you" she said also walking into my room. "how's uncle G anyways?"

i smiled. "he's good, so is aunt kathy. I went over their house a lot to just hang while mom was at work"

i decided to go with some black volleyball shorts, a UCONN sweatshirt, and my black and white jordan's. i finished up threw my hair into a messy bun and put some perfume on.

"i think i need a new sew in before the season starts, what color you thinking?" i said to issa while infront of my mirror doing my edges. "hmmm you have a light brown now i say, black with a blonde peek-a-boo. i think that'll be cute." she finished and i nodded my head done with my edges.

"bet, i'll talk to my stylist. anyways you ready to go? we have a lot of shopping to do." she nodded and hopped up.

*time skip*

we get out of my car walking towards the gym with like 5 bags in each hand. we didn't know how many girls would be on the team so we may have went a little overboard.

we walked in and heard talking. "alright ladies, i know this may be some people's first year may be people's 2nd or 3rd but i have faith in all of you and believe this will be a good season!" i heard my uncle.

"now go rest up we have practice tomorrow 4:30! meet back here! together on 3!" i heard him say.

"well well well uncle, wanna introduce me to your team or what?" i said walking in. he smiled and walked over.

"ahhh my wonderful niece! what're you doing here?" he said hugging me. i smiled before replying. "decided to be a good person stop by meet the girls, give free snacks" i said holding up the bags in my hand.

"oh my, don't spoil these girls they'll start to expect it" he said rolling his eyes and grabbing some bags. "well guys i guess we're not leaving just yet!"

"this is my niece Violet! she's a sophomore here and is on the volleyball team. she'll probably be stopping by every now and then and is like a mini me! so! with that being said, if she tells you to do something when we're here or at a game you listen, she knows just as much as i do if not more!"

i giggled a little and hit his back. "shut up, anywyas hi guys like he said im Violet. i will probably pop in time from time to just say hi and see how you guys are doing" i don't know WHERE this confidence came from but woo did i love it.

it started to deteriorate when i made eye contact with the bluest eyes i have ever seen. she was a tall blonde with such a gorgeous face. omg i think i'm blushing.

i quickly look away and continue talking. "i do know quite a lot about basketball soo if i become bossy about some thing i promise i don't think i'm better than you im just competitive and think of small strategies off the top of my head." i said laughing.

"anyways i brought snacks, there's like A LOT so pleaseee take as much as you want. cause if not i'll go binge eat and get fat and not be able to play volleyball!" i said causing everyone to laugh.

i looked over at Issa and see her blushing hard. oh yea her little boothang is here. "also this is my bestie Issa, short for isabella. she'll be coming with me!" i said pointing to issa

"with that being said enjoy your snacks. i walked over to issa grabbing her arm before she could walk off to her little crush. "issa.."

she looked at me worried. "what what's wrong, is it your anxiety? do you wanna leave, we can leave" she said grabbing my shoulders.

"no no, well yes but like no." she looked confused. "i'm having a gay panic rn. that really pretty blonde blue eyed girl made eye contact with me omg she's hot what's her name? yk her? hmm?" i said gripping her arms.

she looked at me like i was crazy. "what?" i said confused. "you scared the shit outta me!" she said hitting me and raising her voice a little.

"whattt" she rolled her eyes. "figure it out yourself, im going to talk to nika" she said walking off

"oh so that's your boo-thang?!" i said excitedly making her turn around and glare and me while blushing. to which i just cheesed and walked towards my uncle.

thinking about those bright blue eyes that made my legs feel like jelly.

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