Part 20

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Violet POV

We kissed...omg WE KISSED!! i..i don't even know what to think for real. it's i happy? hell yea! i just hope she doesn't regret it though.

i woke up the next morning in paige's arms. i didn't really want to move, so i was at peace just looking at her. she looks so peaceful.

"you know it's kinda rude to stare ma?" i jumped a little from how deep her morning voice. i blushed before responding, "yea well it's hard not to when i'm looking at such a beautiful girl now is it?" i asked bringing my finger up to trace her eyebrows.

she smiled at me while looking at my facial features. "i like when you do that" she said making eye contact. i look at her confused. she smiled more noticing.

"when you trace on my face and smile while doing it." she answered my 'question'. i make an 'o' shape with my mouth picking up what she's putting down.

"i would kiss you right now but i have morning breath so i'm gonna need you to let me go real quick." i said trying to get up out of her arms.

she gripped onto my waist tighter which just made me groan and plop back down. "i don't care about the morning breath I want a kiss." she said pulling me closer.

i blushed and leaned in to kiss her. i have her a small peck thinking that was okay. "nu-uh" she said pulling me in again to kiss me.

after we pull back she was smiling down at me. "okay, you're allowed to go now" i roll my eyes but still smiling and blushing, might i add, before getting up to do my morning routine.

i walk into the restroom and brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on some moisturizer and sunscreen. not much since i'm not really getting dressed. i came back out allowing paige to freshen up while i threw on a hoodie and my slides since we're just going down to eat breakfast.

once i was done paige came out with her hair down and threw on a hoodie plus her slides before turning to me. "you ready sweet girl?" she asked putting her hand out for me to grab.

i smile nodding my head and take her hand. she grabs her wallet and same for me before we walk out the door. i check my phone and see my gc with the girls was blowing up.

supposedly they've been down there for the last 10 minutes and have been wondering where we were. i turned my phone towards paige. "look they're asking if i know where you are" she looked down at my phone and laughed.

she pointed at my phone. i looked down confused cause there wasn't anything funny. i lied, to her it may have been funny but for me embarrassing. they somehow found out about me and paige sharing a room.

my face turned red as i read the messages.

jessyy: DID YALL FUCK?!
breee: OMG OMG OMG

I slapped my hand on my forehead as i read the messages. "your friends are funny" she said leaning against the wall as we wait for the elevator. i roll my eyes. "shut up it's embarrassing, especially since you saw it" i replied.

the elevator came and we stepped on. she stepped closer to me blocking me against the wall and looked down at me. "you gon tell them what happened mama or are you gon keep it a secret?" i look up at her quickly before looking back down.

she grabbed my chin and made me look up at her. "so what's it gonna be?" she said looking from my eyes to my lips. bitch when i tell you i feel small as fuck. "i-i was um i was gonna tell them if that's okay..?" i replied in a whisper.

she nodded her head before slowly moving in. she was just about to kiss me like just a couple centimeters apart but the elevator door opened. i wouldn't have cared but uh...our friends were like RIGHT there so...yayy

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