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Theodore lies on his side and away from Jacob who exits the bathroom. He listens to Jacob's movements—catching the sound of his shirt being put on and the soft steps on the hardwood floor as he approaches the bed. Theodore can't help but notice that the scent of his own soap and shampoo on Jacob somehow seems more alluring than usual. He squirms uncomfortably at his own thoughts and decides to shut his eyes tightly.

Tomorrow, all of the bizarre feelings inside him will be gone. A decent sleep is all he needs.

"Are you awake?" Jacob whispers, his eyes fixed on the back of Theodore's head. He finds it amusing that, despite the ample space on the bed, Theodore has positioned himself closer to the futon. Jacob also observes that Theodore is wearing the plain white shirt he lent him the night he came to his rescue.

"Theo?" Jacob prompts, waiting for a response.

Theodore murmurs a grumpy "What?"

Jacob sits on the futon comfortably, legs stretched. "Nothing. Just wanna talk. How have you been? How's the internship? Is it too much?"

"I'm alright. This is what I've always wanted to do from the start."

"That's good to know. Awesome."

Silence. Jacob scans the room again.

"How about you? You seem to be doing pretty well," Theodore asks.

"Hm? I am. Litigation is intriguing. I'm not much of a talker, but in court... I think I'll do okay."

Theodore chews on his tongue for a moment before reluctantly proceeds, "How's the work environment? Is my Mom giving you a hard time?"

"Oh, no. She mostly feeds me. It's dangerous. I think I've gained some pounds. And I'm... A little worried people might think she favors me."

"I mean, she does."

Jacob chuckles. "I guess so. But I'm trying my best. Don't want them to think I can't pull my own weight."

"And... And Betty? You seem to get along."

"She's my mentor."

Theodore doesn't answer. He exhales as he attempts to fall asleep.

"Theo?" Jacob leans on his elbow, resting his chin on the edge of the bed. "Are you sleeping?"


"Let's chat for a bit. We haven't really talked lately. Unless you're really drunk..."

Theodore is unable to stop himself. He hisses, "You suddenly stopped talking to me, that's why."


"Nothing. Go to bed, Jake. I'm tired. And probably tipsy."

Jacob arches his eyebrows, indignant. "I was focused on the internship. And I thought you were, too. I knew how much this experience means to you, so I figured you didn't want any distraction."

Theodore turns and meets Jacob's eyes. The dim light isn't enough to conceal Jacob's perfect features, making Theodore blush. He backs off.

"You still could have called. Like what you've always done..."

Jacob's lashes flutter, and his cheeks turn a shade of red. An awkward smile escapes his lips. "Were you... Were you waiting?"

The question sends Theodore into a minor panic. He must have been out of his mind! He turns his back swiftly to conceal his facial expression and hides beneath the blanket.

"I wasn't. Go to bed--"

"Theo, come on. Speak to me."


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