五 day on land

453 25 19

You were 10 at the time.

Showing your dad some of the things you had learned with training.

You could put a hole through someone with just a single movement of your hand.

Of course it took a lot of concentration, and energy, but still.

You stood silently focusing on the target in front of you.

It took you so long to focus your energy, since you had just learned how to even use the technique.

You shut one eye, pointing your two fingers at the center.

You cocked your hand.

And then, there was a sudden blinding flash of gold.

A clean hole appeared in the target, right through the bullseye.

"Shiina come here,"

You halted your movement at Shouga's words, and turned to look at him.

He was smiling at you. Eyes gleaming with pride.

"There's some things I'd like to teach you about your fruit."

A smile formed on your face and walked towards him, plopping yourself on the ground in front of him sitting criss-cross.

"As you know your fruit is a mythical zoan."

"You know the basics: you can transform and use powers, and of course you no longer have the ability to swim."

"You know how you must train furiously so your body can keep up with the amount of power and energy your fruit uses."

You listened with wide eyes as he spoke, nodding your head at his every word.

"But there's a few things I think we should discuss."

"First off, you must be careful, my sweet girl. It is of utmost importance that we keep you in prime health, get good rest, and that we keep up your training."

He paused for a moment looking at you.

"If you use too much power and energy, and are too weak, your devil fruit will essentially kill you from the inside out. It will put too much strain on your small body."

When he noticed you looking fearful he bent down to your level and looked in your eyes taking your hands in his.

"That was the scariest part. The rest is interesting, I promise. You can use it to your advantage while you fight, baby."

You nodded, immediately feeling reassured by his words.

"Shiina, you have the ability to increase the strength of your abilities based on your emotions."

"For instance when you are feeling a strong sense of joy and happiness, the strength is increased. When you feel a strong amount of sadness its strength is also increased. But listen closely."

"When you feel anger, its powers are nearly doubled."

Your eyes widened.

"But this is also a double edged sword Shiina. The more emotionally distraught you feel the harder it is to control yourself. With more power from emotions, you will start to lose the ability to control yourself with your conscious mind."

You nodded your head.

It was all so fascinating to you.

"Shiina you can also have something called an 'awakening'. Of course this won't happen until you master your fruit and have more strength."

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