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      The bonfire crackled and sent blue sparks dancing into the night as Antares and Devon sat next to each other on the stone benches, the latter leaning against his friend for support. Devon had his arm slung around Antares' shoulder, howling in laughter. Antares himself had devolved into a cackling mess. On the bench next to him, he could see Harry, Fred and George weren't faring any better. It had been an hour since Antares introduced the Gryffindors to Cole and another close childhood friend of his, Kerrianne Wolfhart.

Kerrianne was Antares' senior by three years and another child of the Nine. Her mother, Katherine, sat in the Circle, though neither possessed the gift of sight. Kerrianne was the oldest daughter of the latest generation, her only competitor being Nicholas Caverly's daughter, Nina, who was ten.

All of the children of the Nine knew each other well. Despite the families being spread across the states and territories of Australia, they still managed to grow up together. In total, there were eight of them, all doing their best to keep up with each other.

"It's true, I swear!" Kerrianne cried, trying to cover her mouth to stop her laughter. "We had Cole running around, trying to find a nonexistent creature on the ranch. Classic!"

"Oh, come on!" Cole whined, "I was seven, okay? Seven-year-olds believe anything."

Antares stamped his boot lightly, "You should have seen his face when he realized he was chasing after nothing."

"Honestly, mate," Fred said, shaking his head, "A Ragamuffin? Seriously?"

Cole an arm out towards her, "In my defence, it sounded magical! How did you even know what it was?" he asked, turning to Devon.

The birthday boy, who was having trouble getting words out, wheezed out, "I d-didn't..." he swatted Antares' shoulder, "I h-heard i-it from s-some Skizze d-down in-n Perth!"

"Skizze? Harry asked through his chuckling.

Kerrianne snapped her fingers repeatedly, "Oh, what do you call them over there, Ares?"

"Mmm," the Slytherin hummed, polishing off his bottle, "Muggles."

"Pfft," she rolled her eyes. "Muggles— weird."

"You're forgetting that I got you back, though," Cole huffed, cutting back to the conversation.

"You dyed Lysander's wings green! It was hardly the same," Devon said in disbelief.

"Well, your Abraxan let me dye his wings," Cole mocked, "and you can't sit there and look innocent, Ares," he pointed an accusatory finger at Antares, "You were in on it!"

It was true. While Cole snuck into Lysander's stable, Antares distracted Devon with a game of Exploding Snap. Neither was that good at the game, which made it better. It gave Cole more than enough time to pull off his revenge.

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