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The first week back at Hogwarts was dull, and the second week was starting to look much the same, that was at least until today, where Antares sat at the High Table looking pleased with the great pile of mail he had received. Peri flew down the rows of tables, another letter in her grasp, and perched herself on Antares' chair.

"Now, there's a good girl," Antares said, reaching and taking the letter from his owl. Peri let out an appreciative hoo.

Each envelope, sealed with the decorative wax of pure-blood families, either contained one of two things: praise or outrage. While the first week at Hogwarts was dull, that was only because Antares knew it was the calm before the storm. On the last day of the holiday, Harlan Holmes released the New Year's Edition of The Whispering Willow and placed Antares on the front cover, highlighting his one-on-one interview. He recognized many of the seals, and Antares made sure to catalogue each one as his eyes scanned the contents of their letters with interest.

The Greengrass' letter praised Antares for upholding the values of their esteemed lineage and hailed him as a beacon of esteem. They also extended a personal invitation for him to join them for tea during the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend.

The Avery's, however, were not as cordial. Their letter (written with much superiority) criticized Antares for associating with "undesirable elements" and questioned his lack of blood connection to the Sacred Twenty-Eight. It ended with horribly veiled warnings about the consequences, none of which Antares cared to read.

The Abbott's letter struck him as bold, not because it aimed threats at him or tried to discuss politics, but because it proposed a betrothal between him and Hannah Abbott. Betrothal requests were not uncommon among pure-blood families, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise.

Antares glanced up from the letter and over to the Hufflepuff table, where Hannah sat across from Ernie Macmillan. She seemed wholly unaware of his stare, and Antares was sure she had no idea of her parents attempting to give away her hand in marriage.

He also noticed that the professors at the High Table were discreetly observing him with various levels of curiosity. Professor Snape, who sat next to him, looked at the pile of letters with his perpetual scowl.

"Fan-mail," Antares smirked, flashing the Abbott's letter.

"I can see that," Snape drawled. "Has your half-baked plan caused chaos as you had hoped?"

Antares chuckled. "Oh, absolutely, Severus. I will say, though, I am still waiting for the hate mail that comes attached with curses."

"You have yet to receive a letter from the Rosiers, I take it," Snape remarked.

"No," said Antares, rifling through the envelopes, "wait, here it is. They sent a Howler."

"Do not," Snape said slowly, "open that."

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