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your hand shakes as you try and fit the key into your old grimy door, Snow waits behind you patiently.

"S-sorry" you mumble before jamming it into the knob and swinging it open, your heart quickens from the sight of your desolate grey house

he steps inside, pointing to the dining table,

"can we work here?" he asks simply, you nod.

grabbing matches to make some light in your dark house, you torch a candle separating you both before sitting and rummaging through your schoolwork

"It should be right here.." you mumbled before pulling out a wrinkled piece of paper

you try and smooth the page as your face grows hot, whispering a "sorry" but he just softly chuckles 

"It's nothing we can't fix. besides, it's just the draft" he reassures you and you smile at his kindness, you couldn't even imagine just a few days ago you hated his guts

"Um...Y/n...the paper?" you flinch, nodding quickly as you slide it over to him

"Right,, last night I made a few corrections about your comments on district fours fishing system.." you pointed at the ink-drawn paper as he scoots closer to you, his breath on your neck as you stumble to try and find your place

soon you both revised the first page and even wrote a second, he held the paper in front of him as he read it aloud 

"Not only is District Four essential for the wealth of the capitol, but it's also Panem's primary source of seafood" He read enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear as he puts the page down

"I love that line!" he smiles and you look away at his compliment, his fingers on your chin bring you back to him as he suddenly seems way too close

the mood the the night changes in an instant as the candle flickering next to you encourages you to lean into his palm, his eyes flashing to your lips before the door slams open

you jump back as your mother struggles to close the door, wind screaming as snow covers every inch of her.

you stood up and helped her close the door as she removed her frozen gloves

"mom, why are you home so early?" you rubbed your arms together, eyes shooting to her and coryo 

"what do you mean honey? It's 8" she mumbles before flinching at coryo's chair screeching back

"what? it's 8? I have to get home" he says worriedly but your mom barks out a laugh

"oh you ain't gettin' anywhere in that storm, you'll have to stay the night" 

you freeze as your mother's words sink in, Coriolanus's polite protests being waved away as your mother looks in the cabinet for extra blankets

"Oh and honey, he'll have to stay in your room"

as the snow falls - coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now