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days passed and you accepted your new life. as you step into the university you hear a girl giggling and you look up to see Corio pushing a loose strand of Clemmy's hair.

it made your stomach twist. but you just bowed your head and went to class. 

as you took your seat and smushed your fist into your face you heard Mr. Highbottom call out,

"The winter formal is tomorrow at 8 pm, It's a required attendance unless you have a note" 

Is it tomorrow already? you look behind you to see a loose pair of blue eyes quickly looking away from yours and you look back at your paper

there's no point in going.

you flip to a blank page and write to Mr. Highbottom how you aren't feeling well and stuff it in your pocket to give to him after class.


the day is almost over and you're jammed in a stall to eat the rest of your bread. you're too sick of seeing Coriolanus and Clemmy to eat your snack in the hall

You jolt up as you hear the bathroom door close and girls laugh their way to the sinks

"Did you hear Corio and Clem are going to the formal together?" one asks the other and your heart sinks

"ugh, they're so cute I'm gonna cry"  the other girl whined, and suddenly your bread is the most unappetizing thing and you toss it into the trash before storming out of the restroom to head home

you pull your scarf up as the crisp winter air finds you, snow crunching as you pass houses until you see one all too familiar 

It's Corio's.  you hear Tigris yelling and the older lady laughing, the warm environment is still sprouting in there...but it's not for you.

eyes drifting down you notice a letter at the foot of his doorstep and you couldn't help but wonder if it was from Clemmy

you sigh, staring at your breath before turning and walking back to your house.

it's almost laughable the difference between both your houses as you step onto your porch, one full of life and the other like a decaying corpse. bending to flick the mat for the key you see an envelope you recognize immediately to be the same one on Coriolanus's door

picking it up you see the sender is none other than Mr. Highbottom, you enter your house and make your way to your bedroom to open it.

as you step in you see your glamorous dress hung on the closet door, its icicles glimmering and sparkles shining.

right, the formal!

you cursed yourself as you dug your hand into your pocket, pulling out the note you never gave to Mr. Highbottom. you sighed and backed up against your door, sliding down while staring at your messy writing.

you place it in the garbage next to you before opening Mr. Highbottom's letter

"Dear Y/n, your partnered essay on the districts blew me away. you will be given 100% as will Coriolanus. You two make terrific partners and will be paired from now on."

you groaned, wondering how this day could possibly get any worse. but as you re-read the letter your heart started to feel heavy when remembering the time you had with Corio when studying, how he made you feel. he was all you could think about and now he's just gone. you saw tears blurring the ink on the letter and you knew one thing,

you loved Coriolanus Snow.

standing up you grabbed a piece of parchment and a pen, hand burning as you quickly wrote.

you were gonna make your own letter. and it was going to tell Coriolanus the way you felt for him. how you loved him.

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