Chapter 1: The Bastion of Sanctuary

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A war that results in the extinction of 2 sides, Evil and Good, however since their armies are the most largest thing the Multiverse has ever seen, it is impossible to determine if one will fall. However they all go out on the war, they battle in different planes of the Multiverse, going from one universe to another before evil conquer them. Kronor and Shadow allied once more, merging the Nether and the Hellish Realm together, as the Hellish Empire and other spirits from the Hellish Realm were to battle alongside each other as their fearsome leaders travel across the Multiverse attempting to recruit every universe's Nether Empire and conquer each and every universe by using their newly created weapon: The Life Devourer. Thanks to Kronor and Shadow merging each other's powers together, they formed the Life Devourer; a giant ship made of magma and Hellfire which can travel across universes and drain them from their lives, decaying them and changing it to a Nether wasteland. It is up to Life of Supreme and his Holy Empire to chase them and destroy the Life Devourer before it is too late...
The Bastion of Sanctuary; the day that everything will fall...

Somewhere in a universe which were being invaded by the Hellish Empire, a group of demons were seen damaging the bounds of the Overworld orb in the Spire Void, weakening it and trying to enter it, until suddenly an angel came by and killed one demon, he zoomed towards the other demons, killing them and striking them down, once the angel had killed every demon, the angel looked at the orb, happy it wasn't shattered. The angel teleported into the Overworld, he was at an outpost that was built in the middle of the Northwind Kingdom by the angel army that came in this universe to defend. The angel looked around the outpost and noticed Heimdall, the God of Time and Arch Angel of the Holy Empire. He had a world map with him, clenched in his hands. Heimdall wore angelic white armour and a mask which covered his face, he also had his large sword with him which he nicknamed Excalibur. A fun fact as well is that Heimdall used to be another Aether Guardian alongside Ark centuries ago.

"I've killed some demons in the Spire Void, it seems as though they tried to damage the Overworld orb so they can break in and conquer this universe's Overworld. They've already taken the End and Aether, plus the Nether King has recruited this universe's Nether army. To the looks of things, he is rebuilding the Nether Empire, which will turn the tides of the war."
Heimdall looked surprised knowing the information that the angel gave.
"It seems so, looks like we need to report this to other gods so they can be aware of the situation that the Nether might have. Any other information you've given so far?" Heimdall asked as he scratched his chin.
"Umm...yes. Reports come from the Angel group in the End that The demon forces are slowly pushing aside in that dimension. However the good news is, the Enderknights of this universe actually fought back against the demons. Unfortunately they didn't have enough soldiers, but they managed to at least slow down the demon forces and decrease their numbers, giving us one step closer on freeing this universe," The Angel said, as Heimdall nodded but was curious about how the demons were able to kill the Enderknights so easily.
"That's great, a demon army that has been slowed down by a little thanks to this universe's End army. Any idea who's leading the demon army in this universe?" Heimdall asked.
"They call him Deimos, The Conqueror of Light. Looks like we have a Hellish Empire general in our midst!" The Angel said confidently.
"Well then, let's put an end to his little conquest and free this universe from the brother's grips!"
The Angel Knight walked Backwards a bit and was shocked.
"Heimdall are you insane!? This Outpost is important to our defences, if we lose this outpost then we lose the supplies our army needs to save this universe and defend against the Hellish Empire! Shouldn't we just pack up everything and regroup with the main army!?" The Angel stuttered, as Heimdall chuckled.
"Nonsense! Life sended us here to free this universe and capture any Hellish generals that we encounter and I'll gladly do so as well as giving this universe freedom." He said as he took out his Excalibur.
"But Heimdall, We don't stand a chance! Given our short amount of angels the demon forces can easily destroy us! We don't know how much we have to wait before they break through the orb and invade!" The Angel said as he looked down.
"We just pray that the reinforcements get here in time. I had a plan, and the generals agreed." Heimdall explained.
"A Plan? What kind of plan?" The Angel said, curious. Heimdall pointed at the sky and the angel knight looked up, seeing the cold clouds of Northwind.
"This Freezing Land has been known for the most blizzards, and I'm 100% sure that it may slow the demons down if it is possible." Heimdall spoke. The Angel Knight looked at Heimdall, even more Frightened.
"A blizzard!? Heimdall I'm not sure how that the blizzard is good for us, as in matter of fact our army might even starve or freeze to death with the lack of food and shelter here!" The Angel said, as his teeth jittered from the cold environment. Heimdall Chuckled by the Response.
"Well yes, but if you were born into this land, you don't instantly freeze, you adapt." He said as he then walked towards the centre of the outpost, letting out a loud thump and the Angel army responded and looked at Heimdall.
"We are Holy Warriors! We have been protectors of The Holy Realm since the dawn of time, and we will not back down from a fight that we can surely win! These demons came into this universe to kill and take from us and from the Multiverse! From the fiery depths of the Hellish Realm, their ruler Shadow will perish, along with his Hellish Princes, and even the Cosmopolitan Creation's Champion Brother. However, one Demon on our side allied with us, you may know him as Aresam, and he won't back down from a fight! When I look at you all, I don't just see subjects or numbers. I see Friends, Comrades, Families, Brave and Strong Individuals that never ever back down from a fight. However this time, I ask of you to fight for the land you were born in and the Creation that you were born in as well! FOR COSMOPOLITAN CREATION!" Heimdall shouted as the army cheered and shouted along with Heimdall.
"DEATH TO SHADOW AND KRONOR, Now we must prepare! An army of demons are near and we must fight with bravery!" He shouted as he slammed his Excalibur. The soldiers quickly spread out to get the equipments they needed for the battle, Heimdall and the Angel knight looked at each other and nodded. They separated from each other, as Heimdall swung his Excalibur and sighed.
"I wonder if I'm doing the right thing." He said as he put the Excalibur behind his back and walked outside of the weaponry room. Heimdall walked in the generals room, talking about the plans and strategies that they need for the army that will soon strike, far away from the outpost, a demon army in the Spire Void that was trying to enter the Overworld, with one Demon wearing armour that was a key individual of the Hellish Empire, in which the Holy Empire must capture.

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