Chapter 4: The Power of Hades

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The door opened as a red figure who appeared to be a scarlet humanoid like being with four purple and white eyes and with redded bloody wings and a purple toga who is also carrying a book with him. The Red Figure bowed.
"Life, I've come to bring news." He said as Life looked at the red being and got up.
"Speak, Alpha Writer," Life said as Alpha Writer got up and opened his book, then showing 3 structures, The 3 Layers Of the Multiverse.
"I've canceled and turned these structures into an outer space, to prevent Kronor and Shadow trying to recruit the other Nether Empires in the other universes," Alpha Writer said as Life looked in surprised and smiled warmly.
"Excellent, now I won't need to deal with Shadow and Kronor entering into different dimensions with the other Nether Empire, anything else you brought?" Life asked as Alpha Writer shook his head.
"No, that's all," Alpha Writer answered as Life nodded calmly.
"Very well then, you may as well leave and continue doing the hardwork you always do," Life said as Alpha Writer nodded again and left the room. Life sat back on his throne then behind him Catastrophe scoffed.
"You let the others do the hardwork but only baby me and never let me do any hardwork!?" Catastrophe spat as Life sighed.
"I've told you this many times Catastrophe, I'm doing this for your own good, and you will respect that, and not argue with it," Life spoke a little firmly as Catastrophe growled in anger.
Catastrophe out of anger opened a portal of the Spire Void, and went inside it. Life didn't stop Catastrophe but felt pity for the dragon for what he went through, he wasn't against his choice, but at the same time he didn't want to let nothing bad happen to him.

Back in the Spire Void, Gabriel, Argos, Hasteur and Ark prepared their Battle Stance, while Hades only laughed.
"It's too cute that you think you can defeat me...YOU'LL NEED MORE THAN THAT TO DEFEAT ME!" Hades yelled as he shot a dark beam at the group as they dodged to the other directions. Gabriel then swiftly wrote down on something and threw it over to one of the angels.
"Find him! He's somewhere in the first layer!" Gabriel ordered as the Angel nodded and opened a portal and went inside it. Gabriel looked at Hades as the evil demon then zoomed towards Gabriel but he swiftly dodged the upcoming attack. Gabirel then summoned an angelic Beam and striked Hades with it. He moved back and chuckled.
"Cute...But not enough." Hades said as he zoomed towards Gabriel again  and landed a incredible punch at him. Gabriel flew across the battlefield, Hades zoomed and striked Argos down multiple times and then he looked at Gabriel who was standing back up. Hades teleported in front of Gabriel and pinned him back down onto the solid ground.
"Weakness flows through you!" Hades chuckled until suddenly Ark came up from behind and slashed his claws at Hades, knocking him back. Hasteur landed in front of Ark and Gabriel, guarding the group. Hades cracked his knuckles and zoomed towards the group until Hastur extended his wings.
"FLASHBANG!" He screamed as a Burst of Light knocked Hades back from the group and Ark flew towards him and tailwhipped Hades to the ground. He got up with ease and laughed as he cracked his neck.
"Where's my master Hades!?" Ark said furiously as Hades looked confused and then smiled back.
"Ah... so that's what you're after for huh? I believe this is what you're looking for?" Hades scoffed as he then showed an Orb of Aetherius's spirit, then handed over to a foggy mist with red eyes.
"Take it to my vault, Zinaida." Hades said as Zinaida generated a foggy tentacle and took the orb and nodded and zoomed away. Hades summoned his sword and grabbed its knob tightly, then looked at the group.
"Let us continue our dance..." He said.

Elsewhere, The Life Devourer appeared in a new universe in the Spire Void. Kronor and Shadow looked out of the window and at the realm orbs.
"Let it begin!" Shadow said as Demons and Netherans swarmed out of the Life Devourer and into the orbs. Pythus' spirit led a group in the End orb, Asiram's spirit led a group into the Aether orb, and Magma's spirit led a group into the Overworld orb.
"Hehehe...this universe is ours already..." Shadow said demonically.
"I'll head off to the Nether realm of this universe and recruit the Nether Empire there...our army shall grow..." Kronor said as Shadow nodded in agreement. Suddenly, a Holy portal opened up in front of the Life Devourer, and out came hundreds of angel soldiers, led by Ruth's spirit and Aresam.
"That's who Life is: predictable. And it will be his downfall," Kronor said as he smiled and then looked at his brother. Shadow turned around to Aisiem, who was sitting lazily on a chair.
"Time for you to have a one on one with your brother, Deadly Sin of Sloth...are you ready?" Shadow asked, as Aisiem got up from the chair lazily and sighed.
"Aresam will pay for betraying us, and our entire family!" He shouted as he teleported out in the open. Ruth and Aresam took their stance and pointed their swords at Aisiem. A flock of angels appeared behind them as they charged at Aisiem. He smiled evilly and yawned as he pulled out his purple scythe. Aisiem shot a purple beam at the angels which turned 7 of them to dust. He then teleported in front of 4 angels and sliced their throats. One Angel ran directly at him, but Aisiem picked up one dead Angel and threw the body at the Angel, knocking him down. Aisiem then jumped up and stabbed the Angel in the chest. He looked back at Aresam and Ruth, who dropped his sword and looked at Aresam.
"You kidding me?! That's what a Deadly Sin is like?!" Ruth said fearfully. Aresam scoffed as he then bashed the ground with his fist, summoning a pulse made of Hellfire, which hit Aisiem and injured him. Ruth widened his eyes and looked back at Aresam.
"Every Deadly Sin has weaknesses, plus this little fool here is my brother so..." Aresam said calmly as Ruth smiled and picked up his sword.
"I assume you'd like to deal with him?" Ruth asked as Aresam nodded.
"I got this. You go to the End Realm and stop Pythus's attack," Aresam commanded as Ruth jumped into the End orb. Aresam looked face to face with his brother.
"Aresam! We were brothers once!" Aisiem yelled, as Aresam tightened his chains around his fists.
"Once..." Aresam replied as he charged at Aisiem. The 2 brothers clashed blades, and back in the Life Devourer, Shadow was watching, and smiled.

In the End realm of this universe, Pythus' spirit landed down in front of the End Castle as several other Netherans landed too.
"Deja vu. Too bad that this time I won't take over it, but instead wipe out all of the Enderknights in this universe..." Pythus said as he spun his fire spear and pointed at the castle as the Netherans charged at it. Ender Dragons wearing armour emerged from the castle and charged at the Netheran fleet, as they shot black fire instead of purple fire. The Netherans used dark magic to summon forcefields that blocked the fire and threw it back at the dragons, killing at least 3 of them.
"Wow, these Netherans from that other universe really come in handy with their magic..." Pythus said, until he was suddenly struck by a Holy beam. Pythus grunted as he fell to the ground, and looked to see Ruth standing there.
"Huh, this new sword really comes in handy. Anyways Pythus, you were saying?" Ruth said as he knife swiped his sword that was enchanted with Holy magic.
"Of course the Supreme would send you down here..." Pythus said evilly as he drew his spear, "You ready to die again, Ruth? But this time...your spirit will be vanquished from existence!"
Pythus shot a fire beam from his spear which Ruth blocked with his sword. He teleported behind Pythus and struck him with his sword, but Pythus reacted swiftly and kicked Ruth in the chest as he grunted. Pythus swung the spear at Ruth's throat but he dodged it and shot a Holy beam directly at Pythus which he blocked.
"Come on...that all you got, former King of the End?" Pythus mocked as he tackled Ruth. He picked him up and threw him down onto the ground but Ruth teleported out of danger and thrusted his sword at Pythus' arm. It stabbed him as Pythus grunted in pain.
"Tell me! How did the brothers do it?! How were they able to bypass Alpha Writer's power?!" Ruth yelled as Pythus just laughed.
"I guess they are smarter than you think! The Life Devourer grows in strength the more universes it feeds on! That's probably why we were able to get through!" Pythus replied as he spat in Ruth's face.
"Well...I got what I needed. Haikeas?" Ruth said as black smoke emitted around Pythus.
"Your soul is mine!" Haikeas voice was heard in the smoke as it engulfed Pythus' spirit and took him to Helheim. Ruth looked at the End Castle, seeing the Netheran fleet winning against the Ender dragons. They used their magic to make magical guns and blast magma spikes that shot and killed about 4 dragons.
"This is madness," Ruth said to himself as he dug his Holy sword into the ground. Holy portals opened up behind him as multiple angels emerged and charged at the battle. Then, someone came out of the portal and stood beside Ruth. He wore a black and red cloak and had dark glowing red eyes and wielded a large yellow blade. The original God of War arrived to battle.
"Altar. Nice to see you again!" Ruth said as they shook hands.
"I'll try and be a use to battle, however I'm only a demigod as I lost my God of War power centuries ago when Kronor killed Notch and that Trailblazer named Arcturus took my title because he was able to become the new God of War. But hey, I can still fight," Altar said as he clenched his blade. Ruth nodded as he spun his sword and both of them charged at the battle.

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