Chapter 3: Stay on Mission

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Gabriel landed onto a small floating island hovering over the Spire Void.

"Come on," He said as a few other beings landed on the island as well. One of them was Gabriel's assistant, Hasteur the God of Light, who had yellow angelic wings. The spirit of Ark and Argos were there as well, including a few angels.
"Tell me, how are we going to be able to locate my master's spirit? The Spire Void is endless, going across the entire Multiverse, he could be anywhere!" Ark said, as Gabriel looked at him firmly.
"When Kronor shattered the realms of his universe, Aetherius died there. His spirit is somewhere in Kronor's universe, so let's keep moving till we reach there," Gabriel said, as Hasteur nodded in agreement.
"We must keep a lookout though, the Spire Void as you may know is the domain to Hades. If we run into him, regroup and hold your ground," Hasteur said, as the others nodded.

A few minutes later, the squad went afloat as they hovered across the Spire Void, and went past the shattered pieces of the realm orbs that Kronor destroyed.
"It's crazy how just one man can do so much to a single universe. Imagine what he could to the others," Argos said.
"Kronor is no man. He is an evil Netheran Cosmo god who sheds no mercy to his enemies, and that's why he must be stopped at any cost. He doesn't want to destroy all the other universes just like he did with this one, he wants to rule them, alongside his brother Shadow. The pair of them are chaotic and vile. If we have any chance of winning the Bastion of Sanctuary, we need to find Aetherius, Notch and Endaris so they can restore this universe and aid in battle," Gabriel spoke, as he then smashed a rock that was heading towards him, "Hasteur. Report. Any sign of Hades?"
"No. We're clear, he's probably in another universe," Hasteur said.
"Don't count on it...Hades is cunning, and he always has a trap in store for us," Gabriel spoke, as Ark growled. He looked upon the destroyed Aether orb, and seeing the shards float around him.
"Kronor will pay for this..." Ark said to himself.
"Don't worry, once we find your master and all the other Cosmo Gods, your home will be restored," Argos said as he patted Ark on the shoulder, and then flew towards Hasteur.

Back in the Holy Realm, Life was sitting at the meeting table, reading Holy scrolls. Suddenly, a loud roar boomed the room, as Life stood up calmly.
"Catastrophe? What troubles you?" Life said as The Catastrophe emerged from a window, looking directly at Life. The Catastrophe was a Spire Titan who was born in the Spire Void. He has a dragon appearance, coloured cyan and a bit of neon green. Catastrophe has the ability to harness the elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Lightning. He also has 3 sharp tails and wings that appeared to be rather damaged, this being because at a very young age, The Catastrophe was captured and tortured by Hades for almost 2 years, until Life saved him. Ever since, Catastrophe wanted revenge on Hades for as long as Life can remember.
"I heard that you sent a squadron to the Spire Void in Kronor's universe to find the Cosmo God's spirits. Why didn't you send me down there as well?" He grunted angrily. Life sighed as he walked to the window balcony.
"Revenge is not the Holy way, Catastrophe. I taught you that numerous times," Life said charmingly, as he reached his hand out to Catastrophe's nostril, but he moved away.
"Don't you know what Hades did? The games he played every single day for almost 2 years?! I still hear him laughing! He's still in my head! That cursed demon, and that evil smile...every time I screamed in utter pain! It was like a comedy show for him! All these scars on my wings and my face? They were the wounds of all the methods Hades used on me to just keep him entertained!" The Catastrophe yelled furiously, as he slammed the balcony, "This is my finally get my revenge. I want him to feel the same pain he put me through! All those sins he committed...he will die for, and for Haikeas to lock him up in the darkest pit alongside the Last Magma Dripper scum!"
Life steadied himself on the balcony, as he then opened out his left hand, as it glowed white and seemed to be calming Catastrophe's mind.
"I understand your pain, friend...and I'm sorry for not getting to you in time all those centuries ago...I promise, Hades will get what's coming to him, as will the entire Hellish Realm..." Life spoke as his voice echoed through Catastrophe's head.
"I took this job for one reason: to kill Hades..." The Catastrophe whispered as he then glided off the balcony and flew across the buildings.

Back in the Spire Void, the group made a camp on a floating rock land. The angels were patrolling the area, Gabriel was meditating peacefully, and Argos' spirit was sleeping. Ark's spirit sat down beside the edge, and stared amongst the floating rocks. Hasteur landed beside him.
"Mind if I sit with you?" He asked, as Ark looked at him.
"Be my guest," Ark replied, as Hasteur sat down. Ark then looked up at his destroyed Aether realm, and mourning over it.
"So how did you get killed and sent to the Holy Realm?" Hasteur said curiously.
"Oh, long story short, I was whupping Inferno's ass. That scum broke Moraac out of the Labyrinth and started a rampage in the Aether, luckily though I was far too strong for him, until blasted Asiram distracted me and allowed Inferno to kill me. But now they're both dead, and Inferno is rotting in Helheim. Good riddance I say," Ark said viciously.
"I understand how tough it may be...seeing your realm like this. However, we must focus on the bigger picture. We will find the Cosmo Gods, and they will fix everything. After that, we can move on and bring the Hellish brothers to justice," Hasteur said.
"Yeah, let's just hope this war will end with us dominating over them...for good," Ark said, until suddenly a floating rock was thrown at them. Hasteur sees this and swiftly destroys it with a yellow beam.
"Gah! What was that?!" Argos shouted as he woke up. The angels made a defensive formation, and Gabriel get out his sword and took his stance.
"I know what it is...and it's not good," Hasteur said as he looked up. Hades was levitating with rocks circling around him. He cackled evilly, as he then looked at Ark.
"Poor little dragon! Shame you lost your home! Don't worry, it won't be the only thing you lose in this war! Now prepare to feel immense pain!" Hades spoke as he then clenched his fists.

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