Prologue I: The first step is always the hardest

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Edwina Sharma is nervous. 

Very nervous.

Her Majesty The Queen invited her to join her afternoon tea. Of course she couldn't say no - it is The Queen. So now, she is here, in St. James' Palace, her society lady right behind her, hoping to survive the day without too hard words from the nation's mother. 

It is not that she doesn't like The Queen. In fact, Edwina has the feeling that she would be able to like every person in this world. No, the problem is ... them. No, not them, but the person they've made out of her. 

Her beloved sister Kate and her ex-fiancé Anthony Bridgerton have been married for now four weeks. And Edwina isn't that kind of person who would wish them all the bad words in the world. How could she be mad at them, seeing how much they love each other? 

But for better or worse ... Edwina is now in London where the society is never ever quiet. No matter how good her relationship is to her sister and brother-in-law, rumours make rounds, whispering ugly things about her. Her mother firstly didn't want to tell her about the rumours but after Edwina insisted, she told her about it. Well, sometimes when she lays in her bed unable to sleep, she wishes she would have never asked. 

"Miss Edwina Sharma." A very friendly looking servant opens the door to the salon where The Queen is waiting for her. 

"Miss Sharma." The Queen looks at her like she was a very interesting and exotic animal she has never seen before. 

She enters the room and curtsies to The Queen. "Your Majesty, your invitation is a great honour to me."

"Of course it is." The Queen points to the armchair opposite of her. "Please, my dear, sit down."

"Thank you, Ma'am." While she is taking a seat, her eyes begin to scan the salon. The red wallpaper enlightens the rooms with such a dominance and elegance that Edwina feels intimidated and enchanted at the same time. 

Queen Charlotte herself wears a wonderful blue dress with little diamonds everywhere and a great saphir necklace around her neck. 

"So. How is my jewel of the season doing?" Before Edwina can take a breath to answer The Queen continues: "I am sure you have heard of this ... gossip at London's streets?"

Oh no, please not. "Yes, I have, Ma'am."

"It is unbearable. Those people have not a clue what happened inside the royal walls a few weeks ago." The Queen grimaces. 

Edwina looks at her - surprised by the kind words. It seems like she would understand her miserable situation.

"How dare these people to claim that MY jewel has to hide a dark secret? What did they say ... yes! They think you have a disease or a disfigurement. What a nonsense. They have all seen you!" She interrupts her angry words to take a cake from the table between them. "Do you want one, my dear? They are excellent." 

Edwina is unable to answer. "Ehm ... no, no thanks."

"Whatever." The Queen continues her monologue after eating the sweet. "They even claim that I was not able to choose the right person as the jewel of the season. How dare they? It is quite obvious that The Queen never fails."

Of course. Edwina sighs quietly. Queen Charlotte is more afraid of her own reputation than of Edwina's. 

"I am very sorry to hear your concerns about the events of the last weeks", she begins to answer. "If I could do anything to improve your situation ..."

"In fact", The Queen smiles at her, "you could help me."

"I do?" 

"Oh yes." The smile on The Queen's face shows Edwina that she did have this plan long before she entered this room. 

"Not only that this family of Bridgertons destroyed my perfect planned wedding for my jewel of the season because of that ... woman-"

"Kate and Anthony did the right thing. And I forgave them." 

Queen Charlotte raises an eyebrow sceptically, then continues as if Edwina didn't say a word. "-but also that the older sister refused to marry my dear nephew."

"I am sure she had good reasons to do so."

"After everything I have heard he is as lonely as you are." It is like The Queen looks at Edwina the first time this afternoon without the distant look in her eyes. Instead, Edwina can see a hint of gentleness and kindness in her eyes. She returns the warm smile. 

"I  heard too, that my nephew prince Friedrich is currently at Weymouth, recovering from his duties as soldier. Bath is so wonderful at this season. The sea, the nature, the people. You would love it there." Queen Charotte looks at her meaningfully. 


"Oh, you mean-"

"Yes, I mean." She takes the cup of tea in her hands to he mouth.

Edwina has no clue what to say. The Queen doesn't really want her to run after her nephew to ... yes, to what? To marry him? How did she get this idea? And why? Just because the Bridgertons didn't want to have them both in their family? What a ridiculous idea. A clever one of course, but still.

Slowly she tries to find the right words: "I am not sure if-"

"Of course you are not. That's why I am here." The Queen puts the cup on the table. Edwina's is still unused in her hands. "And as long as you are in Weymouth, new rumours and scandals will take their rounds and when you return, they will have forgotten everything: my ruined wedding and their inappropriate behaviour."

That's the way the wind is blowing. Of course, The Queen wants the people to forget the unpleasent story. 

But ... in this point she is right. The people will stop talking about Edwina. Maybe the idea isn't that bad after all ...

"I will think about it, Ma'am. Thank you for the kind ... offer."

"Excellent. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.  I will write you about the details. Brimsley!" 

A servant at the background comes closer. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"Please accompany Miss Edwina Sharma out of the room."

"Of course. Miss Sharma?"

Edwina tries to smile. "Goodbye, Ma'am." She puts her cup down, curtsies and follows Mister Brimsley out of the red salon. 

"Oh, and Miss Sharma?"

She turns her back. 

The Queen winks at her from the sofa. "Lonliness will soon turn into joy."

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