Chapter 7: Here we go again

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Here we go again.

She knows it at the moment when their eyes meet.

This crackling, invisible lightning that shoots through the room and a tension that cannot be hidden. Not in front of her. At least not this time.

Not again.


One hour ealier Edwina nervously stands to the right of Lady Blithisfield in the vestibule, waiting for the arrival of Princess Charlotte.

"Nervous?" Carl, on her other side, winks at her.

"No." Edwina tries to hide her excitement.

Carl raises his eyebrows.

"Is it so obvious?" She feels her cheeks getting red.

"Don't worry, she is a lovely person."

"Of course she is. She is the future Queen."

"You shouldn't define a person's character by their title, don't you think, Lady Blithisfield?", Prince Friedrich notes politetly.

"All the better if both fit, my dear prince."

Edwina has no time to admire the wise words of Prince Friedrich because in this second a servant comes and announces the arrival of the princess.

A few greetings, bows and polite phrases later she finds herself with the others at the lavishly laid dinner table. While the others are chatting animatedly - Lady Blithisfield in particular seems delighted with the princess -, the words rush past Edwina. She secretly watches the princess. When do you ever have the opportunity to have that special person so close to you?

Yes, she drank tea with The Queen - but that was something different, in her palace, with her servants, in her surrounding. But here, in her temporary home, Edwina feels a closeness to the noble royal guest that she never had with The Queen.

Princess Charlotte of Wales has artfully gathered her hair at the back of her head and wears an elegant dress in royal blue with golden applications that make her eyes shine.

"How long do you plan to stay in Weymouth, Miss Edwina?", a voice brings her out of her thoughts.

Edwina looks up and sees the princess smiling at her friendly.

"Oh, I ... I don't know yet to be honest", she quickly replies.

"It is quite nice here. The mood is so different than in Brighton. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing", the princess adds.

"I completely agree. I am so thankful my late husband decided to buy an estate here in Weymouth and not in Brighton."

"Cousin Friedrich told me about your loss. When did Lord Blithisfield pass away?", Princess Charlotte asks sympathetically.

"Oh, he died already a few years ago. The house was a little bit empty without him so I am very glad to have you young people around me now."

Edwina doubted that the Dowager Countess used to be lonely after hearing her talking about all her friends and relatives who visited her quite often.

"We are happy to be here, Lady Blithisfield", Prince Carl says. "Especially because of the good food."

The others laugh.

"Yes, we are happy to be here indeed", his brother Prince Friedrich adds and looks smiling to his table neighor Princess Charlotte.

Edwina frozes.

She knows it at the moment when their eyes meet.

A look says more than a thousand words.

This crackling, invisible lightning that shoots through the room and a tension that cannot be hidden. Not in front of her. At least not this time.

Last time ... when everybody around here saw the feelings her sister and her now brother-in-law developed for each other. The love that made them laughing, fighting, arguing, smiling and loving unconditionally.

She swore herself in the last weeks that she would never ever again be so stupid to overlook such important connections.

And here ... we go again. A lot earlier than she expected.

"Miss Edwina, are you alright? You look a little bit unpleasant."

Edwina blinks and stares at Prince Carl. Prince Friedrich and Princess Charlotte opposite of her look at her worriedly.

"I am ... alright."

She isn't.

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