Chapter 1: A New Start

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Chapter 1: A New Start

"To put it simply, we need your help to get Levi to sleep properly," Erwin crossed his arms and smiled.

"Sleep?" you raised a brow.

"He's quite an insomniac, he has a sleeping disorder you see," Erwin continued.

"It's not a disorder. It's just a habit," Levi muttered to Erwin and shot him a dirty look.

Just how did you get yourself tangled up in this? As a Survey Corps Military Doctor, you certainly did not expect one of your tasks was to help Humanity's Strongest soldier sleep.

It all started months ago.

You've been staring at the recruitment poster for almost five minutes now, eyebrows harrowed and eyes transfixed on the words "Dedicate Your Hearts – Survey Corps Military Doctors Wanted". The iconic symbol of the Survey Corps' Wings of Freedom was stamped right in the middle of the poster, along with a brief description of what the recruitment is about.

It seems like the Survey Corps is currently looking for medically trained professionals to bring along on their expeditions. Not just any regular doctor though, a doctor with a soldier's training and background. It was specifically stated that it would require a test of physical and medical capabilities, along with months of training and preparation.

"But why don't they just bring along regular doctors?" asked a fellow doctor who had also gathered around the poster. "Why do we need to train with the military?" He seems appalled at the thought of going through months of grueling training.

"If you went outside the walls with no clue on how to use their maneuvering gear, do you really think you'd even last more than a minute?" a nurse jabbed at him.    

"He's right. We'd be nothing more than a burden if we don't know how to fight," another doctor answered.

"This sounds cool and all, but I think I'll pass. I studied my life away to save lives in the interior. Would be a waste of all that studying if I died in an instant," sighed another.

As the crowd started to disperse, you were still staring at the poster, swimming in your own whirlpool of thoughts. Enlisting as a Military Doctor in the Survey Corps had the same risk as joining as a fully-fledged soldier. Everyone knew that doing so meant frequent titan encounters, and forever having to live with the fatalistic knowledge that you could die at any moment.

You also knew that each successive expedition exponentially increases one's chances of survival and experience, and you could become a veteran Military Doctor that saves valuable lives in the Corps. As a doctor, what did your title really mean to you? Especially when humanity faced the constant threat of extinction.

You returned to your post in the medical ward and attended to your patients. Your hospital is one of the busiest hospitals in Wall Rose, and you can't spare much time standing around. You still have a few more days to decide. Little did you know though, that you had already subconsciously made your decision.

It didn't take long to sort out the administrative work. You enrolled into the Survey Corps' Military Doctor tryouts, along with about 30 other candidates – more than you had expected.

The first round involved a written medical exam, followed by a practical medical exam in the second round. You passed the exams with flying colours. You were a top student in your medical school, and never stopped studying even when you were working as a full-time civilian doctor in Wall Rose.

The third round was a physical aptitude test, involving long distance running, sprinting, ODM gear aptitude test, and strength tests. Thankfully, you made sure to keep yourself relatively fit even as a doctor all these years, so you were still able to keep up. The final round was a test of teamwork, everyone was separated into groups and had to work together to save dummy soldiers in a forest from dummy titans.

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