Chapter 38: Wine and Insurgency

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Chapter 38 - Wine and Insurgency

Survey Corps Headquarters

When you arrive back in Paradis and finally catch Levi alone at the office, away from prying eyes, you run into his arms and hug him tightly. You both are finally able to release the tense and bubbling emotions you've been holding back since the battle in Liberio and seeing each other safe in the flying boat.

The situation was chaotic and there were many things to do, but Levi needed to see you. He needed this.

"Shit, you're safe. I'm so glad you're... safe," Levi stammers, relief dawning on his face once more. His tense muscles relax underneath your touch, and you breathe in his familiar, calming scent.

"Me too," you tighten your hug around him.

When you pull away from the hug, you cup your hands around his face. A light flush crept up on Levi's face as you began to kiss his cheeks softly, slowly making your way to his lips. He kisses you back gently, and then deeply. Desperate, and full of passion. You feel blessed and full of gratitude that the man you love is still here right in front of you in flesh and blood. Touching and kissing you, making you feel whole again.

Under the dim, flickering candlelight in Levi's quarters, the two of you share an intimate moment, a jarring contrast to the chaotic, unrelenting battle you just experienced earlier. How strange it was, that even under the most tumultuous and miserable times, you still managed to find love and peace within each other.

"I have to leave as soon as possible, to the Titan forest," Levi said. "Zeke is under house arrest and we are to bring him there. I must keep a close eye on him."

"The forest of giant trees?" you asked. "For how long?"

"I'm not sure, until Hange and the higher-ups give me further instructions. Also, Historia is pregnant, we can't have her eat Zeke as easily as we thought."

"What?" your eyes widened. Things have taken a chaotic turn. "Historia is pregnant?" You knew that ever since Eren went missing and abandoned the corps, Hange had plans to stick to the original plan of having Historia eat the Beast Titan. However, the fact that she's pregnant changes everything.

"Yeah, they kept it a secret. I also just found out."

"This sounds more than just a coincidence," you raised your brow.

"I had my suspicions too, someone must have told her to delay the inheritance. Things will get messy from here. Eren is being detained in prison, and I heard Dhalis Zachary plans to have Eren eaten because of his unwillingness to cooperate. Plus, he's no longer a Survey Corps member."

"I still can't believe Eren did that. Killing civilians and even children... why did he?"

"I don't know either," Levi mutters. "Back then in the airship, I saw the look in his eyes. It's the exact same rotten, hopeless look I've seen way too many times by people in the Underground. He's gone."

"What happened to him? To think he'd abandon the Scouts," you shake your head while clutching to your cloak tightly.

"It must be that day when we listened to that damned speech in Marley. Anyways, for now, you and the Military Doctors just stick to your usual duties," Levi rubs his temples.

"Yeah. Hold on, I assume you'll be needing some of the Military Doctors to be stationed in the Titan forest, right?"

"Yes, I think Hange did mention that. There will be about twenty eight Scouts stationed in the forest with me. Two Military Doctors should suffice."

"Okay," you nodded. "I'll see who would be the best fit for this mission, I might need to come along as well to help them settle in."

Levi was called by Hange for a meeting right after this, and you made your way to debrief your Military Doctors. You gathered your four team members in a meeting room, and sat them down for the debrief.

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