Chapter 18: Professor Emeritus

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Chapter 18 - Professor Emeritus

You spent the rest of the day tending to patients while Levi went to visit Erwin again. As you stitched up wounds and performed surgeries, you couldn't get your mind off the raunchy episode that just occurred between you and your Captain. Occasionally, you'd get reminded of the way his hands felt on your body and you'd pause what you're doing to run laps around the training ground to calm yourself down. Literal laps.

When evening falls, you collapse into your chair in your office. It wasn't long until Luca entered your office and sat down in front of your desk with a cup of tea in his hand. You happily accepted the drink and spent the next fifteen minutes chatting with him. You're glad that despite what happened, things aren't awkward between the two of you and you could talk to him just fine.

"How's your family doing back home?" Luca asked.

"They're doing well," you hummed. "A little shaken from that Stohess District disaster, but they're fine since they're in Ehrmich."

"Have you gotten a chance to visit?"

"No I haven't," you said a little guiltily. Ever since leaving for the Survey Corps HQ, you've been so caught up with bigger problems that you haven't thought much about your parents, let alone visit them. "I've been so busy, but I should come by soon."

"I see," Luca said a little wistfully. It seems like he has something to say but decided to hold his tongue. "Do you still keep in contact with Prof Em?"

Prof Em, as in Professor Emeritus, was your old professor from college. "I've written to him a few times, but lately, not much. Why?"

"I see."

"Is he doing well?" you asked, wondering why he suddenly brought him up. You and Luca were one of his closest students, and he helped you greatly with your research papers and getting your family settled into Wall Sina. As a well-known virologist, doctor, and lecturer in Wall Sina, Professor Emeritus was like a mentor figure to you and Luca.

He's about your father's age, with graying hair, a beard, and always wears a pair of rectangular glasses. He's your father's good friend and you often saw him outside lectures, which was also why you were able to get mentored by him. You've always had much respect towards him as he was always kindhearted and patient towards you.

"Yes, he is well," Luca smiled.

"Do you still keep in touch?"

"I do, I actually just met him recently in Wall Sina when I was there visiting a patient," Luca said and you noticed the way he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Actually, I came here to tell you something."

"I knew something was up the moment the head of general surgery showed up here instead of a regular resident," you hummed. "What is it?"

"Sharp as always," he winced and chuckled. "Well you're right, something is up and it's imperative that you know. It's.. it's about Professor Emeritus, he has a message for you."

Your ears perked up and you listened keenly. It's definitely not often that someone of Professor Emeritus' caliber would go through this extent to tell you something. You worry that something has happened to him.

"Why did he need to send you here to tell me? He could've just written to me," you wondered your thoughts out loud.

"It's not something that can just be relayed by mail, it's too risky. Actually, he would have come here to tell you himself, but he's occupied with his job, so I'm his next best option."

You stayed silent and waited for Luca to answer. From the way his eyebrows are drawn upwards, you can tell it isn't good news.

"Your father is unwell."

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