Chapter 6: Raging Storm

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"Honey! I'm back! Apparently Branch never left last night. He was still on the island. I don't know now though. He could have left but Tiny is with him so I don't think he would have...." Bruce's mind was just going in circles. He couldn't think properly because of the lack of sleep.

That's when everyone else gathered in and Brandy decided to tell them what the children saw.


"Here." Creek tossed a few berries their way as he ate his.

"I'm not eating anything you feed me." Branch said in an act to protest.

"Me either!" Tiny wanted nothing to do with the evil troll. All he could really do though was cling to Branch. He wished he could do more.

"If you die, so will the baby." Creek stated as he received a startled look. That's when he eventually heard both Tiny and Branch start eating. "That's what I thought."

After Creek ate he jumped out of the wheeled boat and grabbed the rope to start pulling again.

Branch could only sigh in frustration as he looked around at his surroundings before noticing the cloudy sky was darker in some areas. A storm seemed to be approaching. They shouldn't be caught out in it. Especially with the Egg and Tiny. "Cr-Creek..."

The purple troll glanced behind as he continued.

"There is a storm coming, we can't be stuck outdoors. You know how dangerous they can be." Branch warned when he received no reply. "Cr—"

"Be quiet, I know." Creek growled at them as they all heard rumbling in the distance. He would find someplace before then.


Creek was racing through the rain while pulling the others behind him when he quickly ran inside some small cave entrance.

"I warned you!" Branch was angry with the other. "You should have Listened to me! You're going to get us killed!"

"I said, be quiet." Creek warned as he squeezed some water from his hair.

"No, I'm sick of this! You're just some psychotic delusional idiot!" Branch yelled at him when all of a sudden the half boat was tipped over and he fell out along with Tiny.

"Ouch.." The small troll landed harshly on the ground before he was picked up and shoved underneath the boat, effectively trapping him in the small space. "Hey! Let me out of here!" He yelled.

"What are you doing?! Let him out!" Branch demanded as he watched the vile troll grab some rope that fell to the ground before walking over to him. He tried to back up.

"Get away from him Psycho!" Tiny shouted as he hit the side. He could see from the small gap near the ground.

"He'll get in the way." Creek said as he grabbed the blue troll by the hair and started to drag him out of the cave and into the rain.

Branch cried out as he tried everything to stop this from happening by digging his heels in the ground but it was too muddy and slippery from the rain.

"Stop struggling." Creek yanked him which caused Branch to fall face first into the ground but that didn't deter him because the other was still persistent.

Luckily Creek wasn't going too far, just to the small sapling where he pinned Branch to the ground as he tied some more rope around his body. It was quite difficult with the other squirming around but he somehow managed. He then proceeded to climb the sapling while holding a longer piece of rope before he jumped down off the limp and Branch was pulled up, just dangling there. He then quickly tied the rope around something.

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