Chapter 9: Insect Swarm

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Cloud Guy grabbed the net as he tried to get Creek caught up in it but the troll managed to dodge every move. Even if he didn't have the net he couldn't seem to catch him. He thought that maybe this is what Branch felt like with him sometimes.

Creek just laughed at the cloud as he thwarted his every move when a flash rippled from his hair. This blinded him for a few seconds before getting his vision back. Just in time to quickly grab ahold and bend the bug's antenna forward. He shot straight down to dodge the cloud once more before pulling back up.

That was too close of a call for Creek so he dug around in his hair and pulled out a whistle. It glinted in the moonlight.

Cloud Guy in the meantime rushed back to Poppy and the rest as they continued to chase the troll. He needed a quick breather.

"I think he has something!" Val announced as she used a pair of binoculars while hanging above to get a better view.

"Like what?" Barb frustratingly asked.

"Uhh... a whistle?" Val was sure that's what it was.

"What would he need a whistle for?" Bruce questioned but no one really knew.

"He's gonna blow it!" Val warned as she watched the troll bring the whistle up to his lips.

Creek blew into the thing but no sound could be heard.

"Ha! It's broken!" Tiny smiled triumphantly even though he didn't know what the other was using it for.

"You have no idea what's about to happen." Creek grinned. "You think I spent all that time in the woods idling away? I've had this plan in place for a long time, to destroy Pop Village but I couldn't do it alone! I needed help! Once I found Vacay Island I forgot my hatred and lived in peace but then Poppy and Branch showed up! Now I get to execute my master plan!!" Granted, it wasn't on Pop village but Creek was just happy enough to unleash the chaos upon Poppy and the others. He already got his revenge on the blue troll.

"Shelly, what do we do?" Tiny hugged the egg as it shook in fear. He could feel the different emotions coming from it.

"There is nothing you can do!" Creek shouted as a low hum sound could be heard before it got much louder the closer it got.

Everyone was in shock as various different swarms of bugs started to appear and surround them.

At that moment, Creek turned as he blew the whistle while pointing to the Rock Trolls Ride. The insects then did as they were instructed and started to attack the trolls while Creek crackled with laughter.


Veneer was hanging on for dear life as his sister took a more dangerous path to get to Bergen town faster. They had to jump several ravines and dodge many potholes that littered the road.

He screamed once more as they jumped another large hole.

"Will YOU shut up?!" Velvet was sick over her brother screaming at everything. "Grow a backbone!"

"But we don't have bones!!" Veneer freaked as they started going up an impossibly steep hill when all of a sudden the road ended and they went flying.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the two passed a large swarm of insects that were attacking some kind of flying contraption being controlled by—

"Trolls!!" Veneer shouted when both him and his sister started to plummet and he yelled for a different reason.

Velvet in the meantime quickly stood up on the bike seat as she prepared herself. "GET READY YOU FOOL!!" She yelled at him and he did the exact same thing.

Just before the bike crashed to the ground they both jumped while flipping through the air and landing gracefully in the middle of Bergen town as an explosion went off behind them.


Velvet looked down to the Bergen that yelled at them.

King Gristle was just on a late night date with Bridget which was now ruined. "You're going to pay for the damages!" He pointed at them.

"Grissy wait!" Bridget placed a hand on his mouth to stop him from talking. "Aren't you the ones who tried to hurt our friends?"

"Says the ones who tried to eat them!" Velvet retorted before her brother interrupted while pushing her out of the way.

"Please! You have to help him!" Veneer pleaded as he got down on his knees in front of them while holding out the troll.

Bridget and Gristle immediately recognized him as they both said his name



"Wasn't that Velvet and Veneer??" John Dory asked as he punched a bug over to Val who smacked it out of the way with her guitar.

"Who cares, we have a big problem on our hands at the moment!!" Floyd shouted as he struggled with a larger bug by grabbing it by the teeth to keep it from biting him. It pushed him back before Bruce ran over and knocked it away by jumping into it and using his weight.

"We're going to need help!" Poppy said as she swung down using her hair and catching a few bugs off guard as she kicked them.

"I'm already on it!" Barb announced. She had Riff call for help once she saw the swarm. They just needed to hang on until then.

"Queen Barb, the amps are ready!" Riff punched a few bugs himself as he quickly maxed out the volume.

"Right on!" Barb raced over to the cord as she jumped over some nasty looking insects. She skidded to a stop while plugging the cord in and wasted no time in striking her cords as hard as she could.

An extremely loud noise erupted out and caused the insects to scramble as they tried to get away.

They thought they were good until a large music loving Insect about the size of their ride had attached itself to the side and caused them to fall out of the sky.

"We're falling! We're falling!!" Bruce panicked as did the rest.

Cloud Guy at that point who was working with Guy Diamond had flown outside and blinded the thing with glitter. It growled in pain as it let go. The duo then tried to catch up to Creek while the bugs were still recovering. However, there was another, much larger insect that had its mouth wide open and was about to swallow them whole. The two braced themselves when all of a sudden the thing cried out before it started to nosedive.

"Hey! We heard you needed help!" Darnell smiled as he spun around on his DJ mixer before stepping on a few keys as different colored lasers shot out and hit some of the bugs. It didn't hurt them, just stunned them.

"Alright!" Both Diamond and Cloud Guy cheered as they raised their arms in the air.

Cloud guy was going for a high five when he realized he accidentally dropped Diamond and had to catch him. "Oopies, won't happen again." He chuckled despite Diamond's displeasure.

"Come on you two, no more funny Business! Save the children while we distract the swarm!" Darnell spoke as more Funk Trolls joined him in the battle against the bugs.

The two nodded as they raced to catch up to Creek.

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