Chapter 8: Finding Creek

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"I don't know Sis, he looks like he is in really bad shape!" Veneer had to yell over the sound of the motorbike when she pulled to a stop just before the fork in the road. She looked over to inspect the small troll before touching it with her finger and sure enough, he seemed warmer than before.

"What if he doesn't make it?" Veneer sadly looked at her.

Velvet clicked her tongue in annoyance before getting up and searching through the bag strapped on the motorbike. She found the medical supplies and pulled out a cold pack. It wouldn't last long but it was better than nothing. "Here." She handed it to her brother as she got back on. "That should at least cool him off a bit."

"Thanks sis!" Veneer happily smiled at her as they drove off. He then gently pressed the cold pack against the troll whose expression seemed to ease just a little.


Barb was strumming her guitar lightly to keep her mind busy when all of a sudden she and the rest of the trolls were flung to the side as their ride took a hard right turn.

That's when Riff appeared. "Sorry about that. Debbie turned all of a sudden. I think she saw something..."

"Like what?" Barb asked as she quickly recovered along with the others.

"We should be following Branch's scent, what could have made her turn?" Bruce was now concerned with the rest of his brothers, Poppy and Guy.

"Ehh... a flash of some sort?" Riff wasn't exactly sure.

"What??" John thought it was silly that they would turn for that.

"Hmm... open the front." Barb said when the other rock trolls did as they were told. She then looked out to the vast darkening forest along with the others.

Nothing happened for a long while as they kept following Debbie. Just as Barb was going to call for her, it finally appeared. The flash that Riff had talked about.


Creek was getting increasingly annoyed by the egg as it let off another flash. Not even his hair could dampen the light that burst from it.

"Keep going, Shelly!" Tiny encouraged while he hugged the egg just hoping someone, anyone would see.

Creek growled a little as he rode on one of his bug pals while trying to fix his hair in a way that it would at least lessen the brightness. He almost had it wrapped all the way around the egg when it sparked again.

"Stop doing that!" Creek yelled at the thing when he heard a deafening sound of a guitar riff. He slowly turned around and lo and behold, it was the Queen of the Rock Trolls being accompanied by some trolls he wasn't prepared to see. Mostly Poppy.

Tiny just cried happily as soon as he saw all of them, especially his daddy.

Barb spun a microphone in her hands before bringing it up to her mouth as Debbie sat on her shoulder. "Oi, Freak Creek, where do you think you're going?!" She spoke angrily as bright lights shined down on the purple troll.

Creek just laughed as he stood up while grabbing Tiny by the hair with one hand which made Guy Diamond almost faint. He then grabbed the egg and held it in the other. "Tell me, what do you think this is?!" He held the egg out while shouting so they could hear him.

Poppy completely froze as she stared at the egg. Her and Branch's egg. The small life they created together in Creek's hands. She could only imagine what Branch went though probably knowing the other was going to take their baby. She started tearing up when her face was grabbed by Floyd to look in his direction.

"We'll find Branch but right now, we need to rescue the egg and Tiny!" Floyd rushed out as John Dory and Bruce shared the same sad expression while agreeing with each other.

Poppy snapped out of it while nodding and taking on a more serious look. She then ran over to Barb and yelled into the microphone, "We're taking back my baby and Tiny!!"

Guy also ended up yelling into the mic, "Daddy's coming!"

Creek knew he probably wasn't going to get away with this but he sure wasn't going to make it easy for them. He darkly chuckled as he placed Tiny and the egg back into his hair before sitting back down. He then patted his bug friend which signaled it to go faster.

"Alright Trolls, it's time to ROCK and ROOOOLLL!!" Barb shouted loudly through the microphone as they sped up faster to keep up.


Velvet and Veneer had to pull over once again to get another cold pack since the last one cooled off and the troll was burning up again.

"We can't keep stopping like this. He won't make it if YOU-" Velvet pointed at her brother. "-freak out over every little thing!"

"I can't help it! I don't want him to die!" Veneer quivered as he cooled down the troll with the cold pack.

"Ugh!!" Velvet was disgusted but more so at herself because she couldn't deny that she actually was feeling something for the sick troll. Her brother was starting to rub off on her.

"Sis?" Veneer was getting worried she was going to abandon the mission when suddenly—

"We are not stopping anymore!" Velvet hopped back on the motorbike as she revved the engine loudly. "Better hold on tight!!" She warned with a crazy look in her eyes.

Veneer was now worried for a different reason. However, he didn't mind if it meant they would get to Bergen town faster. He held on as she squealed the tire before jetting down the road.

Veneer was practically screaming for his own life.


Cloud Guy was just minding his own business as he slowly drifted through the sky. He was just thinking about visiting his troll friends, mostly Branch though.

He wondered if the troll was okay since he seemed more angrier lately, more unhinged? Usually their dynamic was fun but it wasn't as of late so he decided to give him some space which wasn't normally his thing but he was learning.

It was getting late though, he would have to visit his friends to—

"Huh...?" Cloud guy watched as something passed far below him. It looked like the Rock Trolls were chasing something? He wasn't sure but he decided he just had to check it out, it could be fun.

Once he got closer though, he realized that this was anything but fun. So, he zoomed down further as he followed them and entered the Rock Troll's ride with a bit of trouble of course but he made it. "Hey—"

"Cloud Guy, we don't have time for your antics today!" Poppy cut him off and somewhat ignored him as she and the others tried to prepare another net.

The cloud just stood there a little stunned by Poppy but after seeing the few tears that dripped down her face, he knew he had to help them.

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