43. The Call

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At first let's talk with Shrey: idhar koi mera fan nhi😭😭 Sare arini se pyaar karte 😭😭 mujhe log gaali de rhe😭😭

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Ok now you can read 🌻

Shrey's pov

I couldn't feel the pain of my body anymore. My heart hurt more than anything. A chuckled appeared on my lips sarcastically. I felt like laughing at myself. I looked at my body. It was filled with marks everywhere. I engaged myself in a dangerous game. I lost the girl I loved. Now I'm losing the interest in life.

I couldn't stay at home anymore as mom was worrying about my scars too just like Arini did. Madhav & Ankit too didn't stop themselves from asking but it's a secret that I'm hiding from everyone.

I closed my eyes finally, I wanted some sleep. Tomorrow I'll have to perform better. I need rest. But in that darkness I could see myself, playing with knives, having cuts over my body.... My heart felt a tightness when I remembered the pain of the first cut.

I tried to divert my thoughts and it landed to Arini now. I could see her face in that darkness, her crying face.

I opened my eyes, suddenly I didn't want to sleep anymore. I sat up. It's been a few days of our breakup, we aren't talking to each other. We stay really close to each other so it's not impossible to meet her but I saw her not approaching me.

Maybe she really broke up... Why won't she? After all I was the one who did it. But I didn't want it.

I want to be with you Arini...

Then again the memory of my dad laying on the hospital bed came in my head. The job I am doing is dangerous. I don't know what will happen to me later as I have signed for the contract already. If anything happens to me, my family will suffer a little but atleast they'll get the money.

Atleast Arini will not suffer as she has already distanced herself from me.

I sighed and a few tears came out again.  Is it even right? I can't tell anyone, can't understand the right path, where am I going?

If I think about that day carefully, a good thing happened that I got a job. But that call.... That call was from him... Why would he help me?

~ start of flashback ~

" Hello? " It was an unknown but don't know what came in my head and I received it. No answer came at first. I thought it might be Arini.. I was avoiding her, maybe she arranged a new number.. But I didn't cut the call, I wanted to hear her voice.

" Hello who is this? " I asked again and this time a cough was heard. I sighed in disappointment as it was a male's voice.

" Shrey? "

I was little shocked when he took my name. "Do I know you? " I asked immediately.

" Yeah you do. "

" Who are you then? "

" If I tell you now, you will not want to know the reason for calling you "

I frowned. What's so suspicious? " Who are you? " I asked again.

But the speaker didn't answer me, instead he spoke, " I know you're searching for a job and I can give you one "

I blinked twice and took time to answer this time. " Who are you? " I asked again.

" It will pay you a lot Shrey. Trust me. Something around lakhs. "

" Just tell me who are you? "

" You question too much. You can't be patient. I am Karan "

" Karan? Karan Bhatia? " Why did he call me?  I gulped when he asked me again,

" So are you doing the job? "

No. There must be something wrong. He won't help me. He will never. I should cut the call. And I was about to do that but his voice came,
" Think with brain Shrey, you'll work, you'll get paid. If you're thinking about me, then know that you won't even see me in your work. Trust me. "

" You need money now. I'm offering you a job with lakhs. Think properly. I'll text you the other information. Think and then answer "

" Wh... What's the work? "

" Stuntman " With that he cut the call.

I put my phone for charging after that. I couldn't think of agreeing to anything which related to Karan. But situations were not in my favor. As if it was getting worse only.

I remembered that.... We don't have much savings anymore. I needed money as soon as possible. Karan is not good for me I know... But... But.. What if the work really helps? After all... After all I'll work and I'll get paid.. I'm not taking it from anyone...

What if even it's a stuntman.. It won't matter.. When I'll get the money finally in my hands.

And I dialed that number...

~end of flashback~









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