45. The Stunt

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Guys I'm so bad at writing action stuffs 🙂🙂🙂 she helped me 7stareila13 & I really disturbed her alot to write about the stunt 🙂🙂 so please thank her

And she's writing a story too, about which I know a little bit. It's not just a simple love story, it has mystery, fantasy, action and love obviously. I loved the story when she told me.

Check her work, give her a chance, you might enjoy that story!!

Another thing, she's a good poet too. So, don't miss the work from miss talented arrosa ♡


Writer's pov

" Start the stunt now " Someone shouted and everyone paid attention to the upper side of that broken building. Arini was still confused as Shrey was nowhere to be seen. As if he entered and disappeared somewhere.

And suddenly the camera and lights changed their position.

Arini thinned her brows when her eyes found someone she was finding, but not like this, not doing this.

" Is he? No.. Oh my God.. What's happening here? " Her heartbeats went crazy when she saw Shrey climbing on a bike and he climbs on the railing. But he wasn't alone, someone else was following him too but he had a gun.

He started shooting Shrey all sudden. Arini was scared to death now. " Shreyyyyy " She shouted without caring and Shrey heard that. He looked down to find her.

" Shreyyyyy what are you doing? Shreyyyy "

Soon everyone else in the set noticed them. Someone goes to stop her but Arini didn't stop. Her eyes were stuck on him and in no time tears came out too.

" Shrey please come down... What are you doing? " She Kept on crying.

And suddenly a sound of bullet roared there. It hit Shrey. Everyone looked so fine even after that except Arini & his friends.

" That bullet... hit him. Stop it. He's injured " Madhav ran to someone while complaining but the next reply stunned him.

" It's in the contract. He's supposed to be shot. He's taking lakhs for this. "

Madhav couldn't believe his friend's desperacy. The need of money made him do this. Now he could only look up and pray.

The stunt was done now & Shrey was supposed to come down. But his bike didn't stop. " The break isn't working " Shrey shouted in pain looking down. His voice couldn't reach to them. His back was hurting very badly now.

No brake and handle of the bike worked anymore. Shrey was clueless. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell down.

"Shreyyyyyyyyyyyyyy noooooooo "

The bike touched the ground and broke into pieces. But luckily shrey didn't fall and grabbed the grill to hang himself somewhere.

Everyone rushed to him to save him. Gradually his pain started increasing more, in that area where he was shot. In no time, the area filled with blood. Everyone in the set ran to Shrey. Some called ambulance. Everyone became busy to see him.

Arini ran to him and hugged the laying Shrey who was barely opening his eyes. She wrapped her arms around her and called his name in her shaky voice.

Shrey, who was rarely looking at anyone in that chaos, looked at her in her one call. His eyes got tears looking at her. He wanted to touch her cheek and wipe that but his body didn't find strength to even put that up.

" Shrey.. Why.. " Her muffled sobs came to his ears. His eyes were getting closed again. Arini feared that only. What if he closes & never opens it.... The thought sank her heart.

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