Bonus 2

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Writer's pov

" Go away. You can't sleep here " Arini shouted with all the strength her throat could muster. Their cozy bedroom filled with tense soon. She pointed her fingers towards the door, glaring at her husband, Shrey.

"Goooooo away" She repeated, frustration boiling over her. It was her 7th month of pregnancy and with each day, her mood swings were reaching to the extreme level. Shrey was taking good care of her but today he also felt bad when she started arguing over a small thing.

"Yeah. Who wants to sleep with you?" Shrey also shot back, leaving the room without sparing a second glance to his wife. He also did not care about anything at that time.

Arini's heart raced as she watched him disappearing from their shared bedroom. She regretted saying that to him instantly. Maybe it wasn't that big fight. Maybe they could sort it out. But she ended up showing him the way and made it a big fight.

Arini caressed her baby bump while asking herself, " Why is he so stubborn? Could not he just turn and say a small sorry?? " But her words were not same with her thoughts. In mind she was blaming herself to tell him to go. " So bad. I hate him. Hate him so much" She muttered those words, showing her fake anger, thinking maybe it could erase her pain.

Now she had nothing to do so pulling the sheets over her body, she laid on the bed alone. Her eyes laid on his empty side. She could feel the warm water on the edges of her eyes. The room felt emptier without him.

Hours passed, she still wasn't able to sleep. She was tired of closing her eyes forcefully. It did not work too. Sleep was nowhere to come. Opening her eyes, she spoke, "he must be sleeping so peacefully" A pout formed on her lips. " Without me! " That was the main part. Without her? How could he sleep? They always sleep holding each other, cuddling. It was disturbing Arini how Shrey could sleep tonight without her? So, was it a lie?

Arini could not lay down anymore. She stood up and thought of searching for Shrey. Nobody was in home today. Gitika and Somnaath (Shrey's mom dad) were on a trip. Arini understood that Shrey must be sleeping in their room. Either their room or Anushka's room.

Wiping her tears, she stood up. She could not sleep like this. She needed to see him.

Getting out of their room, she walked to Anushka's room which was just beside their room. She peeked into the room carefully but could not find anyone. That bed was empty. Shrey was not there. Then? Where? In their mom, dad's room? Arini guessed that and led her steps to the downstairs.

Her one hand was always resting on her baby bump. These days it has become difficult to even walk for her.

She was about to check the last room but her legs stopped in between. She saw Shrey on the couch of living room. She found him curling up on the couch. His body was not even fitting there properly. The duvet was poorly covering him, most of it was laying on the floor.

His eyes were closed. Arini expected him to sleep but she surely did not like how he was managing himself to sleep there. Being helpless, she walked to him and sat on the floor, near the couch. It caused little pain to her belly as doctor strictly told her to avoid sitting on the ground or bending in this time but still she did it.

She covered both, Shrey and herself with the same sheet. Lastly, she held his one finger and closed her eyes. Her back was resting against the couch and Arini tried to sleep like that position.

And truly, Shrey's presence was enough. After a few minutes, she fell asleep.

" Stupid " A voice came.

Shrey opened his eyes and looked at his silly wife. " Now what am I suppose to do? She even slept " He muttered to himself and kept on looking at her with an expressionless face. He saw the amount of innocence jer face held. Shrey's heart almost melted when Arini came to sleep with him. He pressed his lips on her hair and kissed them before standing up. Then he went to grab a blanket from their room.

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