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"Hadeezah" , my mum shouted.

Mrs Damilare always on top of her voice, African mothers and their loud voice, God gifted them that, and I know it's because she hates lateness, coming, I said, be fast do you want us to miss the bus she said, here I am, no vex (Nigerian slang word for sorry) I said, almost slipping from the stairs, be careful before you slip she said giving me an eye roll, okay I said smiling mischievously.

We arrived at the bus stop even though we trekked, the scene was very cool with the tall buildings and everything, I've traveled before but it still felt kinda new, I don't know why I'm in London, my mum just picked me from boarding school and here I am, living in Scotland.

Living in Scotland is very busy, I would like to make new friends which I'm bad at, I just hope I fit in given that I'm a hijabi and worst of all I use the eye patch, I've always had this weird gold eyes, I don't like it, but Alhamdulillah (Arabic word for all thanks belongs to Allah) it's a weird feature for a Nigerian, but the fact is neither my mum nor my dad has this eye color, it's why I'm always weird and different.

Now back to the eyepatch, I mean who would want to be friends with a villain just joking I'm not Adeline or anything. Luckily for us the bus was about to leave by the time we got there, when we found a seat I felt all eyes on me, look away people my surname ain't Hook, I plugged my earpiece into my ear, I just love Taylor Swift I listen to her songs a lot and break up songs and love songs, I hate being in the public, because who knows which disease is roaming out there again, after the pandemic.

"When are you going to get your car," I asked.

I'll be more comfortable in her car.

"Very soon," she replied.

"I just want us to settle down before I get it," she continued,

Typical mom but I love her anyways.

Oops, my bad, like broda shaggy right, I like him, I forgot to introduce myself.

HI, my name is Hadeezah Damilare and I'm 16 years old, I'm a Muslim and I'm also Yoruba.

I moved to London from Nigeria and my mum decided to take a detour around this new country we decided to try the new interesting places like ghost houses, restaurants, amusement parks and we did lots of shopping and by lots, l mean lots, I might be an introvert but I love shopping.

Back to business, my mum is a lawyer in fact a senior advocate.

After having the time of our lives, we finally went home, when we got home, it was already very late and I was exhausted I couldn't do anything, so I just observed the salat I've missed, even though I had lots of stuff to do, lots of stuff to do, emphasizing on the lots, I decided I was going to do it the following day.

I read suratul Tabarak, (a surah from the holy book Muslims read, the Quran), before I thought of going to bed, but after, I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore, so I just decided to read the books I bought, I'm crazy about books especially the ones about animals, but my mum wouldn't let me have a pet, she's very protective and also she thinks I'm not capable enough to have a pet yet,

I talk a lot but in my thoughts talking, cause I'm an introvert, but I definitely do not appreciate bullying, my dad has always told me to stand up to what is right no matter what, so I don't think I'm going to let anyone trample over me in this new school.

I've heard alot about foreigners especially whites, I'm not a racist don't get me wrong, so I'm going to be gentle but if anyone tries nonsense with me I won't hesitate to react, I might be an introvert but I don't really hate bullies, sorry hate is a strong word, I dislike bullies, so I don't let anyone step all over me. It's time for bed.

I wrote an application to one of the most prestigious schools in London, I'm seriously hoping I get in because I'm just a bit over average student, sure there were other schools she could afford, by she I mean my mum, the picture I've seen of the school looks clean and beautiful on top of that, it's a school that literally no university can refuse to give me admission, I'm in my second to the last year, so I've started preparing. I pray Allah (God) grants my wish, one of the reasons I wrote an application to the school is that the tuition fee is very high, there were other scholarships and schools I can afford but you know this girl wants that school.

After reading the book for a while I fell asleep. I woke up at around 5:30 a.m. I brushed my teeth, observed my salat, said my adhkars and around 7am I was done with everything, I decided to rest a bit more and after that I got up around 8 a.m. I had breakfast.

I decided to watch TV, I'm so in love with spongebob I love that show, I love making funny faces, just like him, I only wish he was purple, it's my favorite color.

About 20 minutes later, I heard my mum's phone ring and then I went to give it to her and went back to watch my movie, when suddenly my mum called.

"Come check this out," she said happily.

When I collected the phone from he.

I couldn't believe my eyes, my application was granted to school in Kings and Queens high school, I was so happy, I spent the rest of the day in a very good mood.

The mimic octopus is a fascinating sea creature that can imitate the appearance and behavior of other marine species, such as lionfish, flatfish, and sea snakes, to evade predators. It's a master of disguise in the underwater world.

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