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"Hey, Nick," he said with his million dollar smile, "Oh we are in London so it's a million pounds smile. Sheesh why do I keep bumping into this guy.

"Hi," I never thought I would see you again, I said.

"Neither did I," he said.

"Anyways, I need to head back to my classmates, so I'll leave now,"I said and I turned my back to leave, I felt his hand on my forearms, hey that sounded like four arms from Benten, OK back to business, I felt this thing that I never wanted to let go off, but either way it was still haram because he is not my mahram. I really need to stop making these puns.

"Julian, I don't really appreciate being touched OK, it would be so nice and cool if you could abide by that," I said in the nicest way possible.

"That's new, girls literally throw themselves at me and you don't like it, are you I'm not supposed to you know like, start a ritual or something, you know just to be safe from you cause you are way too unique for a human,"he said.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner, I was hoping to get your phone number,"he said.

"I don't have a phone number yet, but who knows we might not need a phone to keep in touch. We met here without a phone remember,"I said.

"Oh, I've never heard of that one before, you are really weird," he said with something Ava calls a smirk.

"Anyways, bye see you in the near future," I said.

OK, bye he said and I turned my back to leave, something told me he was staring at me.

But I knew that I didn't dare to look back those eyes of his staring down at me I know that I am definitely going to melt right on this freaking spot, no lie, makes me remember Dua Lipa, I like some of her songs.

I headed back to the conference room, the man hadn't said much since I left, great cause I might actually fail the upcoming tests, Ya Allah please help a servant.

We went to the giftshop to get gifts for our friends. I didn't have anyone except Ava and Capri. God those two are my saviors, I'll just get something for my mom instead.

"Damn, I just want to go lay down in my camper, when does this dumb Castle trip end,"Ava said.

"Wait I thought you liked Castles and princess stuff and your prince charming," I said.

"Me, why would you think that, I just love reading books about them, I live my life based on reality and I'm not going to live my life thinking it's going to end up like something someone thought of and published and one more thing I'm not interested in anybody as of now and you know my brother's words might actually come true cause, he said I'll never get a husband at this rate,"she said like it was no big deal.

"Don't be silly, your brother is just joking, you'll get your prince charming one day from now,"I said.

"Shit, subhanallah,"she said stumbling on a rock.

"Are you OK,"I asked her.

Wait what did she just say.

"Ava, what did you just say, I thought you were Christian the other day you asked if you could both religions," I asked in disbelief.

"Point of correction, I only said I could do both I did not say that I was Christian,"she said, playing with ring on her finger.

"That's true, you didn't actually say you were Christian,"I said.

"I know it sounds weird, but I'm Muslim, I only found out a few years ago, I have a complicated life so, when I found out that the person that has the probability of becoming my best friend is Muslim, I decided to learn more about the religion,"she said.

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