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I still haven't returned the weird pen back; she's probably in the lab by now. Oh, silly me, would she even come back after I yelled at her? Use your brain, man, I scolded myself. I decided to walk around the school before class starts, but then I got bored of it. This sucks; let's head to the library.

As I wandered over to the sci-fi section, I heard a unique voice - not tiny, but somewhat babyish. It had to be her. Maybe she's struggling with some subjects, and perhaps I could help. "Hi there," I greeted her.

She immediately changed her facial expression. "Hi. Is there anything I could help you with?" she asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to return your weird pen," I said.

"Can you be less rude, please?" she retorted.

"Rude? You didn't even say thank you," I pointed out.

"Thank you," she said, but as she turned to leave, I instinctively held her arm back. "I don't know your name; could you do the honors?" I asked.

"It's Hadizah. And please, don't ever touch or hold me again. I do not appreciate it," she said firmly before finally leaving. That's new, I thought. But what's up with the attitude? I'll have to keep that in mind.

The first lesson of the day started, and as usual, Mrs. Collins was a bit late. Jeff began with his boring jokes, and the class indulged him - why they enjoyed his jokes was beyond me. "Who's up for some joke?" he asked, and almost everyone responded positively.

"Why is Donald Trump no longer allowed in the White House?" he started.

"Why?" they all asked.

"Because it's 'forBidden,'" he delivered the punchline, followed by another joke which I didn't bother to listen to.

I knew Jeff loved daring people. "What's up, Michael?" he asked, trying to engage me.

I didn't give a reply. "Looks like what happened to you five years ago really messed up your life," he taunted.

"Repeat that one more time," I dared him.

"Oh, so now your vocals work," I retorted. "Is it because of what happened to you five years ago that made you a sadist?" I challenged him.

But this time, I wasn't going to take his crap. I took him by his collar, ready to confront him. "Talk about my past again, and you'll see me in your nightmares. What's your business with my freaking past?" I threatened, my fists clenched.

"Can someone explain the current situation or what is happening in this class?" Mrs. Collins finally intervened, breaking the tension. I released Jeff's collar, muttering under my breath as I straightened my own. "Quack comedian," I called him before sitting down.


That guy has got some serious anger issues, but not my problem, I thought, though he is so freaking hot," the girls said.

I glanced out and saw the boys' basketball team finishing up their game, including Avery. I couldn't understand why girls would stoop so low for boys' attention. They should just wait for the prince charming Allah has set aside for them. "Let's leave, Ava," I said, and we headed to our next class.

Biology class went smoothly until one boy decided to disrupt it. "Dylan, I'm pretty sure you know when to joke and when not," the teacher reprimanded him, but he persisted.

"This is your teacher practically living off the money we pay you, or am I wrong?" he challenged.

These white kids just keep baffling me. "Dylan, one week detention, out of my class," the teacher declared.

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