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i woke up to it being bright asf in my room. ig it snowed a lil so the bright sun shined down on the bright ice right in my window. anyway, my thoughts were cut short to my nose filling with the smell of bacon, eggs & burnt toast? omg someone burnt toast how stupid could they be... i was still in my hoodie and shorts from last night i just quickly put my hair in a ponytail. i ran down stairs i had an airpod in as well. (song at the top was playing). ofc Nick and my dad were in the kitchen.. istg these men my mom was shaking her head drinking coffee.

"hey sweetie howd you sleep?" she asked setting her coffee down "so good except it was bright as h- frick" i replied with. she laughed "okay. well breafast is done.. bean can you go wake Davis" Nick asked i nodded and headed to his room. i knocked first then went in. he was on top of his covers in only boxers.. damn his back muscles and that back tat on the upper part of his back it was wings i highly doubt that was the only one he had. i began to shake him but hell that don't work "wake up you mf" i say loudish. silence. this bitch i swear. i rolled my eyes and decided to sit on this mans ass. bro had a big one- not as big as mine tho.

i was awake i just wanted to see how far she'd go before giving up. once she sat on my ass i was tempted to turn so she'd be on my dick but that was wrong in so many ways... i then hear this bitch say "fuck it. picture time" i opened my eyes as she took the pic of my 'sleeping' face. once she took her phone back she screeched. "wtf Davis your a bitch" i replied with 'thank u' she got off me and sat beside me giving me a chance to roll back onto my back side.

once he rolled over i saw it. yes his dick. it was big and i doubt he was hard so he was packing for sure. and i was right he had 2 more tats one on his right arm he had a sleeve damn didnt know that, and he had a small flower looking thing on his left wrist. i was looking at them when this cocky ass mf goes "like what you see?" i decided to be a lil shit. "ofc i do" his eyes widened "dont play with fire baby. ill destroy you" i smirked "what if i want you to destroy me" his face had turned red and his eyes were filled with something idk what it was but it looked like if i was his food that he wanted... we both looked away from each other to the door bc of a knock "is Davis up?" i heard my dad ask "yeah man i just woke up" dad told us that we needed to eat so i left the room for him to get dressed which he didnt do much besides add sweats no shirt tho. fuck.

i looked at Nick and he looked cuddly asf he was in a sweatshirt and sweats yawning every now and then resting his hand on his left hand. his eyes shutting a lil. i walked over and leaned my head against his back. "tired?" i asked he slowly nodded. i ran my hand through his hair and he smiled. "yk ur the best bean" he said i looked at him and rubbed his shoulder "you are to" we then ate breakfast.

after we ate dad and mom got ready to head out for a bit. for some odd reason me, Davis & Nick were all to sleepy still. once they left i sat on the couch Davis soon joining after his shower and same with Nick. we decided to watch a horror movie. it was a newer one i havent seen. i wanted to get comfy Davis was on my right and Nick on my left so i decided to lay my head on Nicks lap and my feet got lifted up and put on Davis's lap. Davis covered up, i needed to get a lil bit more comfy so i moved my feet a lil bit only for Davis to grab my ankle and looked at me. i didnt mean to hurt him or wtv i did.

during the movie there was a part that i could just sense it was gonna be scary.. so i turned my head towards Nick my check was pressed against his dick. he looked down at me every now and then bc of it. but nothing happened- i decided to head upstairs after the movie was over. i changed into a t-shirt and left my underwear on. they were kinda like boy shorts but not long long. these ones were grey with black dots. i laid down on the bed just thinking. Davis's dick on my ass yesterday, what i said to him this morning, my cheek against Nicks dick. i didnt even notice i slipped my hand in my underwear. fuck rubbing my clit with my fingers then inserting 2 then 1 more once i got use to the feeling. i let out a huge breath and started doin my thing. but to my surprise i moaned to names.

"fuck Davis & Nick..."

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