Chapter 2

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September 2017

Anyone who knew me in high school might be horrified to hear I ended up studying Financial Management at the University of Michigan, aspiring to manage capital investments for corporations. Still, in truth, I am pretty great at numbers. For one, numbers never fail you, and they never lie. And two, ever since I was a child, I've been fascinated with financial worth. Most little girls are obsessed with princesses, puppies or even a boy band. Not me. I was obsessed with Suze Orman, a famous financial advisor, financial author, TV show host and financial expert genius. I spent my entire childhood idolizing everything about her. I was obsessed with solving complex math equations, problem-solving and reading about investments and stocks. I was a weird kid. But I think my obsession developed because I grew up with a single mother who struggled to get by on a middle school teachers' salary. Or likely because my dad abandoned us when I was a kid, and we lived on food stamps for an entire year before my mom got back on her feet. The thought of obtaining and managing wealth was always something I wanted to learn. Something I wanted to achieve on my own. Third, I think my ego is looking forward to shocking all those naysayers from my past who think I'm nothing but a nobody. I can't wait to one day flash my future success in their face.

After my freshman year at college, I had obtained honour roll status and a 4.0-grade point average. I felt very confident in my skin for the first time, and I enjoyed the challenge of being a minority in a highly male enrolled program. I also loved the newfound freedom I earned from living on campus instead of at home with my mother. I had made some fantastic friends, Cece, aka Cecilia and Bridget, who are also my roommates. They've become the sisters I never had, and we are a healthy balance of academic intellects with the sometimes disastrous and intentional party girl persona.

Today, we've ditched our studious sides, and we've gone full disastrous party-girls. We're only a week into our sophomore year, and as head of the Student Social Committee, Bridget has organized a Graffiti Party at the college pub. Everyone brings a highlighter, wears white clothing, and writes on each other. The best part is, you can only see what someone wrote when the black lights are on. Of course, alcohol is involved, glow sticks and music. One of the many perks of being friends with Bridget: she gets us into every campus event for free.

We've been here for a few hours, and I'm already a little tipsy. I've drawn a penis on every white t-shirt I could get my hands on. I've also had quite a few people draw on my white crop top. Cece, Bridget and I are on the dancefloor, hands up and swaying to the music. The pub is packed wall to wall with students, the air is hot, and the music loud.

"Let's get another drink," Cece shouts.

She's not only my best gal, but she's also a business major – and she's incredibly stunning with long black hair and light blue eyes. Cece pulls me through the swarm of people on the dancefloor, but Bridget doesn't follow.

"Grab me a vodka water," Bridget shouts as we walk away from her, and she continues to grind her backside on some guy. I watch as he runs his hands along her hips, and she tosses back her fiery red hair, bobbing to the music.

When we make it to the bar, Cece calls out our order to a nearby bartender. I look past her and wave at a handsome guy a few seats away with a head full of curls, hoping he may be the one I take home for some fun tonight. He nods back and raises his drink in my direction.

"I'm so excited," Cece says, distracting me. "Reggie just texted. He said they're on their way."

Reggie is Cece's boyfriend and captain of the Michigan University Wolverines Ice Hockey Team. Typically, I can't stand jocks, especially hockey players, but I love Reggie. He's a great time and he is very funny.

"And you're going to love Zach," she adds.

"I love a lot of guys," I say, once again eyeing up the curly-haired guy.

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