Chapter 6

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February 2018

My Financial Analysis class is my only night course, and by 8:45 pm, all my classmates are a squirrely bunch. It's my favorite course, focusing on the fundamental analysis of individual stocks. It's an intense credit full of looming research projects, never-ending quizzes, and countless hours of homework dissecting discounted cash flow valuation and studying management of a real-money stock portfolio.

Like most of my classmates these days, I'm excited for the weekend and even more thrilled when the University holds a student-run event for a fun night out. It's been a while since I've gone full party-girl. I've been swamped with schoolwork, cramming for quizzes, and working diligently on research papers. I've barely had any time for my friends, and it's been almost a month since I've had a casual hookup. To say I'm thrilled Bridget is hosting a fundraiser for the University women's volleyball team would be an understatement. I am over the moon for an excuse to finally have some fun and find a hot guy to take me home tonight.

With just five minutes left of class, I hear a buzzing from inside my purse. Everyone is primarily working, quietly taking notes and jotting down project timelines from the PowerPoint still on the screen behind the professor. When the buzzing comes a second time, I reach for my phone and see a missed call from Cece and then a text message from her: Be there in 5

Cece and Reggie agreed to pick me up from class and drive me to the fundraiser. I pass through the nearest exit when our professor dismisses the class. I'm vibrating with excitement and ready to have a drink and dance all night long.

I jog across campus and spot Reggie's red truck in a nearby parking lot. Cece is waving from the passengers' window. I wave back at her, smiling, and pull open the back door on the passenger side. I blink up to see Zach in the back, sitting behind Reggie and grinning like an idiot. His hair is messy, and he's dressed in a button-down flannel and dark-wash jeans – he looks better than should be humanly possible for someone dressed so casually.

"Surprise," he says and motions to guide me onto the seat next to him. "Are you ready to party with ZZ Top?"

"I thought you weren't coming tonight," I say, sliding onto the empty seat beside him.

Zach told me a few hours earlier that he wouldn't be able to attend the fundraiser because he already had plans with yet another girl he was casually seeing.

"What happened to your hot date?" I ask.

"She bailed on him," Reggie quips from the drivers' seat. "She's a complete flake."

"Her loss is your gain," He taps a finger to my nose, and I playfully whack it away.

As Reggie pulls onto the roadway, Cece chimes in. "I didn't like her anyway. What was her name again? Jessie?"

Zach shakes his head. "Her name is Jade. And you met her twice; how could you possibly not like someone you don't know."

"Easy," I say, quickly coming to Cece's defense. "I agree with Cece. Jade or whatever her name gives off the worst vibe."

Like Cece, I didn't particularly like Jade either. She's all boobs and giggly and has zero substance to her dull personality. She also does her best to be as rude as possible toward me when Zach isn't watching. "I hope you take her ditching you as a wake-up call. I promise I'll wing-woman your situation tonight to help find you a new girl." 

"I don't need your help. I do just fine on my own."

Reggie laughs. "Since Christmas break, you've briefly dated three girls, including Jade. All duds."

Zach rolls his eyes. "Okay, that's pretty harsh, Reg."

Reggie shrugs and makes eye contact with me through the rear-view mirror. I know he desperately wants me to back him up on this.

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