Chapter 3: Something new isn't alwais bad

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Kumagawa thinks Dracula had not observed Mavis's appearence yet. If he did, he would have sprinted back here immediatly and tried to usher him away.

However, he seems more preocupied with his argument with his friends. The three want to sing themselves and invited Dracula, which the vampire was opposed to.

Mavis:Sooo...What's your name.


Mavis:Really? Huh, haven't heard such a name before.

Kumagawa:[That's because I'm actually from aboard.]

There was no need to come up with a lie for the moment. If Mavis was any indication, monsters do have names that are also considered normal for humans.

He didn't need to come up with any aliases for now. And if there was a need to lie, he wouldn't have any difficulties in that.

On the other hand, the argument between those four really doesn't stop. Dracula even had to make his scary hissing, which wasn't that scary to him. Than again, he might be biased on that particular subject.

Kumagawa:[Music really gets people all worked up, huh?]


Dracula let out a scream and backed out. It seems that Kumagawa had once again sneaked up on him with him noticing.

Dracula:Stop doing that!

Murray:Hey, who's this guy?

Kumagawa:[Oh, I'm here to give a helping hand with the party.]

Dracula:Yes! He's a...Relative of a family friend and I called Misogi here to help me with the planifications for Mavis's birthday party.

Frank:Family friend? Which one?

Dracula:He's from Ruthven's bloodline.

Frank:Ah, I get it.

Murray:Wait a minute. You? Want somebody to help you?

Wayne:Captain Control Freak?

Dracula: It's count. And yes, I thought that having one of Mavis's contemporary would be...Useful.

Kumagawa:[Indeed. His coffin is a bit too dusty.]

Dracula made a displeased sound, which only seemed to please Kumagawa. He swears, this kid is worse than a gremlin.

Wayne:Heh, I like him.

Kumagawa:[I do know all of your names after hearing your little argument, but how about the guy standing behind me.]

He turned around in a single motion to see...Well, only a pair of glasses. By the slund of his steps, he should be a man. His name was Griffin.

Griffin:Oh, this is new

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Griffin:Oh, this is new. I'm not really used to people noticing me so early. Anyway, my name's Griffin. Nice to meet you.

Kumagawa shook his invisible hand and by the fact his glasses were visible, he can guess that this invisible man was actually naked. He might've cared a bit more if he was a woman.

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