Chapter 9

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"Let me get this straight. You were thinking about how Paige was a bitch to you in the past so you went to the gym, missed a lot of your shots, punched a wall with your bad hand, and then played it off the whole time you were here?" Azzi asks.

"Pretty much" I say.

"Y/n I get she said some bad stuff but you can't think about the past. You need to think in the present." Azzi says. I know she's right but the thought of the day of the big east game lingers in my mind.

"You're right. Wanna just watch a movie in the bedroom?" I ask.

"Yeah, which one?" She asks as we walk towards our room.

"What about Uncle Drew? I love that movie" I say.

"Yeah i've never watched that, it sounds cool" She says putting it on. Me and Azzi aren't romantically interested in each other at all. But we do things like sleep in the same bed (sometimes) and cuddle as friends. Me and Azzi are growing really close and I like it. Tonight was one of those nights. We laid in her bed and watched the movie. The benadryl from earlier was really kicking in and I fell fast asleep with my arm draped over Azzi. Right before I fell asleep I could feel my arm being lightly rubbed by Azzi. That just made me fall asleep even quicker. Me and Azzi's love language is both physical touch so I guess that comes in handy. I'm guessing Azzi fell asleep a couple minutes later because the TV turned off. This whole day was tiring for the both of us.

The sun beamed at me through the window and I dug my head into Azzi's arm not wanting to see the sun. She got up and closed the blinds. When she got back in the bed we stayed in the same position as before. She scrolled through tiktok while I just enjoyed the warmth and coziness I felt being next to her. I just remembered. We have practice.

"UGH" I groan rolling around. It was currently 11:23 and we had practice at 2.

"What's wrong?" Azzi asks.

"We have practice," I say.

"Are you sure you can practice?" Azzi asks, concerningly.

"Yeah I'll be fine just gotta take Advil." I say as the pain from my hand suddenly sucks back into my body. I roll out of bed and walk to the dresser to get ready. I was planning on going early to do some stretches with Janelle and have her tape up my thumb again. By the time I got changed, ate, and was at the practice facility, It was 1:25. I walked into the athletic room for what seemed like the thousandth time this week.

"Hey Janelle i'm just here to stretch and get my hand taped for practice" I say, making it clear I had entered the room since her back was facing me.

"Okay let's get your hand taped first" She says as I walk over to her. I sit down on the giant, padded, athletic chair. I show her my hand hoping she doesn't notice but she's Janelle, of course she's going to notice.

"What did you do this time?" She says.

"I don't know what you mean" I say clearly lying.

"If you keep lying it's not going to heal any quicker." She says.

"Well, I kinda sorta punched a wall." I say, ashamed.

"BUT the wall was padded" I say hoping it sounds better.

"Y/n, you're lucky the wall was padded but since you reinjured it I'm afraid you might miss the first game of the season."

"That also means you will be missing practice today." She says.

"Are you serious?"

"Can't I just do the running and stuff?" I ask.

"That's fine, I guess you can participate as long as you don't use your hand at all. If I find out you injured it again I will be mad." Janelle finishes. I walk out to go tell Geno. I tell him and at first he's mad but he understands I can't stay off the court. I go back and stretch with Janelle because I know today's gonna be a running day. I plan on running as much as I can so I can still condition and work out with the team.

it's almost like you never left (Paige Bueckers)Where stories live. Discover now