Chapter 19

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Flashback | FIBA U17 2018 Games | (a/n: bare with me y'all we've been in a flashback for awhile)

Paige POV

"Paige get your act together because if you continue to play like this you're not going to be playing at all." Coach yells. It's currently the 3rd quarter of the game versus Japan and I'm playing like shit. I have 2 points and they're only because of free throws. I also forgot to mention I have 4 fouls and it's only the 3rd quarter! I think the worst part about all of this is that Y/n just had a fantastic game and now I'm here playing like shit. Can't wait for this to be the new headline of an ESPN article. I also forgot to mention how the whole Team Canada is here watching. Ugh. Why can't they just leave? Maybe I'll play better.

"Go get Haley." Coach says to me angrily. I mean we are winning by 12 points but she still finds a way to be mad. Wait. Which Hailey does she want me to get? HVL Hailey or Haley Jones. I mean they're both playing right now.

"Which Haley? I ask, hoping she doesn't get mad.

"Paige, pay attention to what's happening on the floor. Take a look and see which Haley is playing guard. You see her? Hailey Van Lith is. Now if you realized you were also a guard you would be going to get her right now but since you 're too slow Azzi's gonna go get her right now." Coach yells.

Azzi, who was sitting next to me, gave me a 'sorry' look and went over to the scores table. Sure enough, Hailey Van Lith subs out and comes down to sit next to me. I actually can't believe this. Haley Jones plays guard and forward. How was I supposed to know? I grab my water and take a sip as I slip my towel over my head.

There's about 2 minutes left in the first quarter and coach keeps looking at me.

"Can you go get Zia or do I need to direct you towards her?" Coach asks. I quickly get up, eager to get in the game, and kneel down by the scorers table

"Zia!" I yell out. The horn just rang, indicating subs, and we both switched places off the court. I high five her as we pass by and I notice who else is on the floor with me. Me, Azzi, Cam, Charisma, and Fran.

"Paige turn up!" Cam says as I get in my defensive position. I get the steal and quickly dribble down the court. I see that Azzi is farther ahead of me so I pass it to her and she lays it in.

I didn't score the rest of the game and I'm very disappointed in myself. We still won though. We shake the Japan players hands and coach calls us over before our team meeting. We all group up near the end of our bench after everyone had gathered their belongings and had changed.

"Good win today guys but I need to address something." She starts. I get a little nervous because I kind of know it's about me. I start rocking to the side out of nervousness but Azzi wraps her arm around and smiles which makes me smile in return.

"So one of our players didn't have the best game today.." She starts. I look down knowing it's about me.

"But she fixed herself up and had a better impact later in the game. Now I'm not going to name names but this just shows that if you keep pushing yourself everything will fall into place." I smile knowing I at least had an impact in her eyes but on my own I know I failed. I don't know why I played so badly but I just hope it doesn't stick around for the next game.

"Some of you may know but Canada's schedule got messed up so they will be playing 2 games today instead of 1. You don't have to attend but it could be a cool bonding experience with your teammates! It's at 4 and I hope to see you all there." She says, trying to sound enthusiastic. We break and all go meet up with our parents.

"Great game today girls." My dad says to me and Azzi. My dad and Azzi's parents usually sit together since me and Azzi are so tight.

"Thanks Mr. Bueckers." Azzi says. I just give him a smile.

"How about we get some food?" Mr. Fudd asks.

"Coach wants us to go to the Canada game." I say, groaning.

"Just go talk it out with your teammates to see what they're gonna do." Azzi's mom chimes in. Me and Azzi turn around and see that everyone has left except Cam, Caitlin, and Hailey Van Lith.

"Hey we're yall gonna go to the Canada game?" Azzi asks.

"Yeah we're going. Are you guys?" Cam asks.

Me and Azzi both look at each other. I knew she wanted to go because she always likes scoping out the competition. Fine. I'll do this for her. Azzi's grin widens as she realizes I said yes.

"We're in!" Azzi squeals. She's like a child sometimes.

"But I'm actually hungry so can we get something over there?" Caitlin says pointing at the concession stands.

"The concession shop?" I ask.

"Yeah I didn't know how to pronounce it." Me, Cam, Hailey, and Azzi both look at each other and start dying laughing. Eventually Caitlin joins in too. We head over and get our snacks and we all decide to chill here until their game. Apparently Y/n and Aaliyah Edwards had the same idea because we walk in on then sleeping on 2 of the 3 couches. I'm quick to go sit on the empty couch so I don't get stuck next to the little open room on Y/n's couch. Cam ends up sitting with Y/n, Azzi with Aaliyah, and Caitlin and Hailey join the open spots next to me. I focused on whatever nature show was playing and actually started to learn some interesting facts about machu picchu.

"Broooooo." I hear Azzi whisper-yell.

"What's up?" I ask.

"My family wants me to spend time with them." She says, rolling her eyes.

"Nooo" We all say.

"Bye guys." She says, waving, with a pouty face. She's seriously leaving me. I only came because of her! This will be so fun! Please note my sarcasm.

End of Flashback | Current Day


"Everyone's in the team lounge come down here." Azzi read out loud. It was a text from Nika directed towards me and Azzi. We are currently chilling in our dorm scrolling through our phones.

"Are they seriously hanging out without us?" I say.

"I guess so." Azzi says. We quickly put ourselves together and walked down the flight of stairs to our team lounge. They were all talking in a circle and me and Azzi joined the 2 open spots. Azzi sat on one side of me and Nika sat on the other.

"So what did yall talking about without us?" Azzi asks.

"We're talking about the time when me, you, Aaliyah, Y/n, and Paige were all together during the world cup and none of us knew we would be future teammates." Nika says to Azzi.

The thing is, is that only Azzi, Aubrey, and Aaliyah know about all the drama with me and Paige, dating back all the way to middle school. They can probably recite the whole story because they've heard it so much. Now for the rest of my teammates, they have no clue about me and Paige's once unsettled beef. Maybe Nika because she's one of Paiges closest friends but other than that...

A/N: Sorry this is a really bad chapter but I needed to post something for yall... lmk if u guys want some drama up in here???

it's almost like you never left (Paige Bueckers)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon