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The sun's rays streaming through the window woke me up from my slumber. I blinked away the sleep from my eyes, groggily sitting up in bed. It was another day of being jobless, another day of facing the harsh reality of my life.

I had thought that, by the age of 26 I would have made a lot of money, but instead, I had gone bankrupt. It was a sobering thought, one that I had to face every day.

My name is Amelia Earhart I am tall, beautiful, and sexy. My blue eyes make me look mysterious and alluring. I am only 26 years old, but I have already made a name for myself in the world of fashion. One thing about me: I don't believe in love or relationships. I only date for money. It may sound cold, but it's the truth. I'm not afraid to admit it.

Some people may judge me for my choices, but I don't care. I know what I want in life, and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way.

My last boyfriend, I broke up with him a week before our wedding. Some might say that's cruel, but that's just how I operate. I'm not interested in love or romance. I'm only interested in money and success. I know it's not the most popular way to live, but it's the only way I know how to be. I've never been one to follow the rules or play by the book. I'm a trailblazer, a risk-taker, and a rule-breaker. I make my own path in life, and I don't apologize for it.

I had a new boyfriend now, his name was Diego. I won't lie, I was really falling for him. I could see myself being with him forever. He was kind, caring, and always made me laugh. He was everything I could ever want in a partner.

Every time we were together, I felt like I could do anything. He made me feel special and loved. I knew that he was the one for me. I couldn't imagine my life without him. I was so happy.

But there was one problem. He didn't know about my past. I was afraid that if he found out, he might think I am after his money and break up with me 💔🥺

I yawned as I made my way downstairs. I lived with my mother and my younger sister, Eve. I could hear the clatter of dishes coming from the kitchen as I entered the dining room.

Mum{Kate} was already up, bustling around, preparing breakfast. She looked up as I entered, a smile on her face. "Good morning, dear,How are you feeling today?"

I nodded, trying to appear cheerful despite my exhaustion. "Good morning, Mum, I'm feeling good, thanks"

"Good morning, sis!" Eve said, her voice chipper.

"I can tell you're already ready to go to school," I said, smiling at my little sister. She was always such an early riser, unlike me.

"Of course I am," she said, rolling her eyes. "Unlike you, who just wakes up in the morning and does nothing."

My mom walked out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of food. "Don't tease your sister, Eve, Now sit down and eat your breakfast."

I said nothing, just started eating my food.

Eve spoke up again. "I'm sorry, sis," she said, looking sheepish.

I smiled at her. "It's okay, Eve, You're just looking out for me."

My mom spoke up then. "But she is right, Amelia, You are 26 years old. You need to start taking life more seriously."

"Not again, Mum," I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"If you don't mind my saying so, you should start looking for a job and making some money, Imagine, at your age, you already owe the bank money."

"But I'm trying my best, Mum,"

"Your best isn't good enough, You had the opportunity to be rich with Denzel, but you threw it away."

As soon as she mentioned Denzel's name, I lost my appetite. I couldn't bear to sit there and listen to her criticize me any longer. I stood up abruptly and went to my room, closing the door behind me.

The silence of the room was deafening. I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling like a failure. I had messed up my life and I had no idea how to fix it

Then, my phone started ringing. It was Sophia, my best friend.

"Hi," I said, answering the call.

"Amelia, you should send in your application for the secretary position at High End Living, You'd be perfect for the job!"she said

I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see me. Sophia was always trying to get me to do things I didn't want to do. But this time, she might be right. Maybe I should apply for the job. It could be a fresh start, a chance to prove myself.

"Okay," I said, ending the call. I picked up my laptop and started filling out the application form for High End Living. I hoped they would consider me for the job. It could be a fresh start, a chance to prove myself and show the world what I was capable of. Maybe I could finally leave my past behind and start over.

I hit the send button, my heart pounding with anticipation. I just had to wait and see what would happen next. Would they call me for an interview? Would I get the job? I could only hope.

Then, I received a message from them. They wanted to interview me! I jumped up on my bed, excitement coursing through my veins. This was my chance to make something of myself....

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