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As I approached Diego's table, I took a seat right in front of him.

"Do you think it's polite to sit in front of someone without asking first?" he asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You're not just someone to me, You're the person I'm here to meet."

"I don't understand, I'm waiting for my girlfriend."

"Shh," I whispered, leaning in close. "I texted you with her phone."

"So who are you?" he asked

"I'm her boss Or  to be more accurate  I'm her  ex-boyfriend."

His eyes narrowed, and his hands clenched into fists. "It's clear that you're mad How can her ex-boyfriend be her boss? I'm leaving."

He started to stand up, but I held up a hand. "Sit back down," I said. He paused, and then slowly sat back down his body stiff with tension.

"I dated Amelia for four years,You may not trust me but I'm going to make you believe me She has a mole on the back of her lower back on the right side."

"Yes, she does," he said

"So do you believe me now?" I asked, holding his gaze.

"What do you want? Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I'm trying to protect you from that gold digger you call your girlfriend,She's only after your money and I don't want to see you get hurt."I said

"Don't you dare say that about my girlfriend" he yelled

I smiled, a bitter smile. "She did the same thing to me. She broke up with me a week before our wedding I was a wreck for a whole year. That girl is only after your money."

"Shut up" he shouted

"And I have proof," I said, holding out my phone. "I have every single message we've ever exchanged."

He took the phone and began scrolling through the messages. His expression grew more and more incredulous as he read. Finally  he looked up at me, his eyes filled with confusion and doubt. "This could be true,"

"It's true,That girl is so cruel and heartless. You can't trust her. She's only after your money. It's better if you end things now, before she does any more damage."I said

As I wrapped up my work for the day, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease  I tried calling Diego but he didn't answer. I sent him a few text messages, but he didn't respond. I decided to take a cab to his house to talk to him in person.

As I entered my Diego's house, the place was dark and quiet. I flicked on the light switch, and what I saw made my heart sink. he was sitting in the living room, chain smoking and drinking.

"Diego, are you alright?" I rushed to his side, but he pushed me away.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Who is Denzel Washington to you?" Diego demanded, his eyes narrowed.

"He's my boss, Why are you asking?"

"Liar He was your ex-boyfriend, and you played him, just like you're playing me!" Diego yelled

I stood there in shock, my mind racing. Denzel must have met Diego and told him about us. Now, my relationship with Diego was on the verge of collapse. How could I explain myself to him in a way that he would understand?

"Answer me!" he yelled.

"Diego, I'm so sorry,I meant to tell you about it, but it just slipped my mind. I never meant to hurt you, please believe me."

"How am I supposed to believe you?" he asked, his eyes filled with tears. "You lied to me, and you broke my heart. How can I ever trust you again?"

"I know I made a mistake, and I'm so sorry," I said, my voice breaking.

"Amealia, just stop! I don't want to hear any more of your excuses. We're over, and that's final."

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I reached out to touch him, but he pulled away from me. "Please, don't do this," I pleaded, tears streaming down my face.

"Don't touch me, If you do, you'll regret it."

"Diego, I would never play you like that,I promise you, I never meant to hurt you."

"Just leave," he said, standing up and pointing towards the door. "I can't look at you right now. Just go."

I felt a sob catch in my throat as I stood up and walked towards the door. I turned to look at him one last time, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. I opened the door and stepped outside, the door closing behind me with a heavy finality.

As I walked down the street, I saw a large advertisement for Denzel's company on the side of a building. My anger and sadness boiled over, and I stopped in my tracks.

"You really did this to me," I whispered to myself. "You destroyed my relationship, and for what? I'll make you pay for this, Denzel."

I knew I couldn't let him get away with this. I would make him regret ever messing with my life. I would make him suffer just as much as I had. He would pay for what he had done.

"You've only just begun to see what I'm capable of I'll destroy everything you've ever worked for! You'll regret ever messing with my life!"

I screamed and cried, my words echoing through the empty street.

"You've gone too far, Denzel Why would you do something like this?"Harrison said

"You have no idea what she did to me!" I shouted, slamming my fist down on the table.

"I know she hurt you, but you can't let it consume you like this, You have to find a way to move on."

"I'll never move on!"

"What did you gain by destroying her relationship?" Harrison asked

"Everything," I replied, a cold, cruel smile playing across my lips. "I took away her happiness, and I'll continue to do so until she's just as miserable as I am."

"This is wrong,You're only hurting yourself by doing this. You have to let go of your anger and find a way to move on."

"I'm not interested in moving on,I'm interested in making her suffer."

As my phone rang, I saw that it was Ivy calling. I quickly ended the call and turned off my phone.

"You didn't answer her call," Harrison observed.

"I'm not in the mood to talk to her right now," I said

"Because of Amelia?"

"I don't care about Amelia, I just want to be left alone." I snapped.

"Then marry Ivy,"

"I have no interest in Amelia or Ivy, to be honest,I have no interest in marriage. The only thing I'm interested in is destroying Amelia's life."

Harrison's eyes widened in alarm. "That's not right,You can't let your anger consume you like this. You need to get help."

"I don't need help, I need revenge."

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