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"What did you want to talk about?" I asked

"It's about you and my son," she said

"What about him?"

"Please, I beg you, stay away from my son,"

"But it's not like I'm pursuing him He's the one who's been pursuing me!"

"Just quit your job, I'll give you something in return"

"What are you offering?"

"I know you're in debt, If you quit your job, I'll pay off your debt. Just promise me you'll resign"

Snow was in her room, sobbing into her pillow, when her phone buzzed with a new message

She wiped her eyes and looked at the screen. 🗨️"Hi," the message said

Then she typed out a reply 🗨️"Who is this?"

🗨️"It's Steve, the new student," the message read

🗨️"How on earth did you get my number?" she texted back, her fingers trembling slightly

🗨️"You're harsh both in real life and on the phone Anyways, I'm outside your house right now."

Snow's heart skipped a beat. She walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain peering out into the street Sure enough, she saw a car parked in front of the  house

🗨️"How did you know where I live?" she texted

🗨️"Just come outside," the message read

With a trembling hand, she set her phone down and made her way downstairs She opened the door and saw a car parked in front of the house

The driver's door opened, and Steve  stepped out. "Hi,"

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to talk to you,"

"How did you even know where I live?" she asked, wiping a tear from her cheek

"Are you crying?" he asked

"That's none of your business!" she snapped

He took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. "It's cold, You'll catch a chill."

"Why are you being so nice to me?" she asked

"Sometimes, you just have to let things happen naturally You can't force someone to love you Eve gave up her own happiness for you She's a wonderful person She deserves a second chance You should give her another chance."

"What are you saying?" she said, her eyes filling with tears again. "You don't know anything about me or Eve"

"I know I don't know everything about what happened between the two of you But from the way you talk about her, I can tell that you had something special You have a big heart You can find a way to forgive her, I know it."

As he spoke, she felt the tears flowing freely down her cheeks

I walked into the office and I could feel everyone's eyes on me They were whispering and pointing and I knew they were talking about me I tried to ignore them as I walked to Denzel's office

"Good morning,"

"Good morning," he replied, looking up from his desk

"Here," I said placing a letter on his desk

"What's this?" he asked picking up the letter

"It's my resignation letter," I said

"Resigning?" he said


I took a deep breath, and said, "I just don't want to talk about it I'm sorry, but this is for the best"

"Did my mother come to see you? What did she say to you?"

"It doesn't matter I'm leaving, and I'm never coming back."

I grabbed my things and started walking towards the door if I could feel his eyes burning into my back but I didn't care I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible

"Mum, what did you say to Amelia?" I yelled, storming into the living room

"I just gave her some advice," she said, sitting down calmly on the couch

"Mum I told you to stay out of this Now look what you've done!"

"Now, just calm down, I was only trying to help."

"I don't need your help!" I yelled

"Denzel, that girl is a gold digger You'll never change her I offered her money to stay away from you and guess what? She accepted it"


"Yes, I'm telling you the truth That girl is nothing but a gold digger Just forget about her and marry Ivy like you were supposed to"

I turned and walked out of the room, not trusting myself to say another word.

Abigail smiled to herself as Denzel stormed out of the room.
"That work" she thought to herself.

The smile on her face grew wider. She had played her hand perfectly

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