Chap 22: Deal With The Devil

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I get ready for school. I don't want to jinx anything but although I'm happy I'm keeping it low key for those happy mood thirsty predators lurking around. I can't afford to loose this cheer not with all the memories of yesterday flooding through my head. I can't just stop thinking about it. How I wore his jacket, how he held me in his arms, how we played together, how we almost kissed... We actually almost freaking kissed! How did that happen...

I pause. Slap myself then pause again. Okay but wait Noah and I almost kissed. This is insane, I'm going to lose my mind thinking about it. That darn rain really messed things up. Like.. can't you fall some other day.

I walk out of my house and down the porch off to school. I put in my ear phones and start my journey. The music makes it more fun to walk that I don't take stops on the way. I look at Callie's house when I pass by and I wonder if she's in or not.

I take my phone out and try calling her. She picks up on the fourth ring, "Hi it's Abby, uh I was just wondering if you're still at home?", I ask.

"Oh no my dad took me to school this morning", she answers back so I mentally nod.

"Oh ok I'll meet you at school then", I say.

"Okay bye", she says and I end the call. I'm about to continue my walk when I hear a horn blare behind me. I turn wondering if I've been standing in someone's way this whole time. I'd be so embarrassed for myself.

Luckily it's not a random car, it's a black Wrangler I know too well. I walk up to Noah's car.

"Hey princess", he smiles softly giving me a perfect view of his dimples. Why would someone look so hot this morning. That should be a sin.

"Hi Prince", I say and his face lights up.

"What'd you call me?", He asks peering out the window.

"A toad", I say and he frowns so I chuckle.

"Well too bad cause I wanted to give you a ride", he slyly says using a finger to graze his steering wheel.

"That's ok, I'd prefer to walk anyways", I say putting my plugs back in.

Noah's expression changes and he immediately stops me from walking further, "Wait what'd you mean?", He asks so I take out a plug.

"I'm in the mood for walking", I elaborate.

"But I wanna take you to school today", he says and I shrug.

"Maybe some other time", I say then awkwardly say, "Um bye", before walking away with my earphones plugged in.

As I walk I notice a presence beside me so I turn and I'm shocked to see Noah walking beside me with his hands in his pocket.

I take my plugs out, "What are you doing?", I ask and he shrugs.

"Going to school with you", he casually says and I shake my head a bit leaving an ear free so I can hear whatever he  says.

"Here let me help you with that", he says and I plan on struggling but I just let him be allowing him take my bag pack from me. He carries it on his back and I find his hand interlacing with mine.

I look up at him, stunned for a second like this was the first he held my hand. Although this isn't it still feels foreign.

Noah catches me staring and I look away, "Yeah you better run cause you know I'm gonna win", he says and I can't help but chuckle. He's taking this staring contests a little bit too serious.

"There's no award Noah", I let him know.

"Well it's our game and we can always bend the rules", he says so I look up at him, "From now on if I win a staring contest, you'll give me whatever I ask of you".

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