Chap 23: Whatever he asks

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The breath I let out after stepping out of the library made it seem like I've been holding it in for like a century. Oh my God.. where the hell did I get the guts from to even say that. I'm guessing it's from the exact same place I got the one from Loren's beat down.. can I call it a beat down though?.

I walk into the cafeteria searching for my friends.. wow that sounded almost unbelievable, I can't believe I have friends now. I walk to the line to get food first with a knowing smile on my face.

When I get to the front of the counter, I look at what's available and before I can order for anything someone so kind helps me with it.

"A salad for her, she clearly needs it", I turn to see Loren and I kinda hate myself for complimenting her blue jacket straight away.. It's a nice jacket though.

"I bet you think you're a winner now..", she says trailing.. for effect I'm guessing?, "But shocker you're still the fat loser you've always been", she says then flings her glowing blonde hair to the side.

After muttering freaking weirdo she leaves the line and I discover there's a plate of salad on my tray. I look up at the lunch lady and she points to the register.

"Hey fatso you're holding up the line", a voice says from behind so I just quickly leave the line and pay for my food.

I turn scanning the place for my friends with teary eyes. It's not like her comment was that bad but it still hurts and fatso? C'mon that was harsh. The scan stops at Noah and it's like he's been staring all this while.

He's eyes avert to someone else and so I turn to look at who it is. I watch him look at Loren who sashays to their lunch table.

Just as she's about to sit down she's stopped, "Get out", Noah says loud enough for a good amount of people to hear.. approximately half of the cafeteria.

"What?", She asks.

"I said get out", Noah repeats as firmly as the first time.

Loren is in complete disbelief as she processes what's happening. She scoffs and in a swift moment her eyes land on me and she gives me the most menacing look on Earth before she picks her bag she had placed on the chair already and storms out of the cafeteria. To cut the long story short, I'm dead.

I look at Noah and he's eyes soften when he sees me. He stands up from his seat and when I notice him approaching me I walk away and if I could run I would.

"Abby", he calls after me but I don't stop to see what he wants I just keep speed walking until I get out to the field.

I stop to take a breather. Like I said I hate running.. I didn't run but I'm sure speed walking still counts.

"Abby", Noah calls out again and this time I turn around. He walks closer to me, "Why were you running?", He asks and I hold a smirk. So in the eyes of humans that was actually a run.

"Because I'm dead", I say and he raises a brow.

"Dead?", He asks with confusion written all over his face.

"Hurting Loren won't make her back off, it'll only cause more harm to me", I say. I'm gonna be like those mc's who die at the end.

"First off you're not dead and second Loren isn't going to back down even if I tell her to because she's Loren", he says and I sigh knowing it's the truth. Loren isn't just going to stop bullying me with some polite talk like 'please leave Abby alone' she's literally gonna find ways to hurt me and I know it.

"I told you I'd protect you Abby", he says then notices my food tray.

"I'm on a diet".


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