Chap 33 : Nostalgia

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"Are you always this slow?", Asher asks as I slowly pack my bag.

I had just finished tutoring him and I had no idea why he was waiting for me. Isn't our business over?.

"I don't remember saying I needed a ride", I say then walk past him. He follows me outside the restaurant.

"I didn't say I was going to give you a ride", he says with a scoff and I watch him walk to his car with his hands deep inside his pockets. Jerk.

When I get home I'm surprised to see a wrangler parked on our driveway. What is he doing here? I rush up the steps and get into the house.

"Abby, you're finally here", my mum says in a chirpy tone and so I narrow my eyes at her but I narrow them even more when I see Noah with an apron. What in coach's trunks is going on here?.

"At the right time, we just finished cooking dinner", Noah says ever so casually like he's meant to be here and like this is the most normal thing ever.

"Where have you been honey?", my mum asks but I just stand there speechless.

"Yeah, where have you been?", Noah joins in with suspicious eyes.

"W.. we'll be in my room", I sharply say then walk across the room, grab Noah's hand and take him upstairs.

I close the door behind me then turn to face Noah. "What in coach's.. okay no, what are you doing here?", I ask.

"Why weren't you picking my calls?", he asks and I sigh.

"I was tutoring", I say and he nods.

"Okay.. I wanted to take you somewhere", he says then adds, "And you can't say no this time".

I nod with a smile, "Okay-", the sound of my phone ringing cuts me off so I put up a finger then pick it up.

"Hey Ginger", I look at Noah and he rolls his eyes so I move away from him but only for him to follow. Why is he so nosy?.

"Hey", I say covering the speaker with my hand so Noah won't hear.

"Um I just thought we'd um- I mean, I thought you'd tutor me today", he says and I sigh then slightly glare at Noah for breathing down my neck.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you I wouldn't be available today", I say walking back to my bed.

"Oh, well.. it's okay. Um, so how are you?", he asks as I take a seat on my bed. Noah crosses his arms watching me. Oh God.

"I'm okay", I say.

"Just okay?.. Not super duper okay?", he teases and I chuckle but it dies down quickly because of the look on Noah's face.

"I'm just okay I guess", I say with a small shrug.

"Okay then Ginger, talk later?", he asks.

"Yeah sure", I say with a small smile. "Bye buzz".

I put the phone down and look up at Noah's disapproving face. I roll my eyes.

"You weren't available.. so who'd you tutor?", he asks and I pause. I can't tell him I tutored Asher. He warned me not to tell anyone and I don't think I'd even want to blab it to anyone.

"I.. I tutor alot of people", I say.

"Fine, let's go", he says and I raise a brow. He sighs, "I'm taking you out, remember?".

Holy cow, Did he just say he's taking me out?. DID NOAH JUST SAY HE'S TAKING ME OUT?! I thought he'd never ask again after I turned him down.

I nod almost eagerly and we head downstairs. "Mum I'm not staying for dinner", I inform and she walks out of the kitchen wiping her hands with a napkin.

His chubby princessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora