Ch 15, New Acquaintances

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When I wander a little more, I come upon this cute Snake Plushie, that is Dark green with Light green spots. And when activated, MOVES! I have to get that! As I move to get it, there is another hand reaching too...!! In haste, I just grab the women's hand instead. This is going to be awkward...


I look up to who I have grabbed and see that it is none other than Narcissa Malfoy!!! She also notices me and I'm thinking LET GO OF THAT HAND YOU IDIOT! ...So, I let go.

"I apologize, but did you want that plushie too?" This is not me people! It's Narcissa. There were not many of her scenes in the movies, but I remember she was not polite like this...Aand I'm getting off track. As I panic inside, I notice at the plushie she is pointing. I breathe a sigh of relief (mentally). She wanted the plushie next to it. Amusedly, the Dragon one.

I smile a little at that. "Not the Dragon one. I thought you were going to pick the Snake so I held your hand. I apologize for that." I gesture to the one I was going to pick.

She sees the Snake plushy and laughs a little, "I thought you were going for the Dragon too. if you hadn't held my hand, I would have stopped yours, so it's completely fine." I laugh in return to that.

We both simultaneously pick each other's plushies and hand it over to the other with a "here". She must have noticed my ring/s while handing it over as I see her expression sobering and becoming calm and turning into, what I assume would be the famous pureblood-mask. She then introduces herself.

"I am Narcissa Malfoy, Lady to the House of Malfoy." She inclines her head a little, depicting a nod.

I might not be well versed in this pureblood etiquette yet, but I know this much (By the help of Gornuk, but no one has to know) that my title(s) overpowers hers, so I should not bow to her. Keeping that in mind, I make my expression clear but welcoming as I introduce myself; "Well met Lady Malfoy. I am Isis Rosier, Lady to the Houses of Rosier, Fawley, LeFay and Emrys."

I can see her eyes widen a fraction at the extension of my titles and I think, oh honey...that's not even half of it. She then curtsies mid-deep with a "Nice to meet you, My Lady." Hmm... Must be the LeFay Effect.

Thinking back on my goal to have Malfoys as allies, I tell her to drop the formalities and just get to know each other. Not one to waste an opportunity, she readily agrees, and we get to talking. I give her permission to call me Isis and she does the same for her name. Of course, I make sure to insert that I have a son close to Draco's age, which is not that hard for her to deduce, by looking at the things I had bought. Sensing her chance, she invites Me and Hadrian for a tea and play Date.

"Oh, that would be appreciated, Narcissa, as I am quite new to Britain. It would be nice to know some people. And I'm sure Hadrian would love to be around someone his own age." I pay my share of bill at the shop after her. And we move somewhere else for a short lunch, at her suggestion.

We continue to talk and she tells me a lot about other Pureblood families that Draco has playdates with. The future Slytherins all knew each other from the start huh? After a while she comes back to the bait that I gave her.

"You mentioned you're new to Britain... Where did you live before, if you don't mind me asking?" She hesitates a little with that. That's what I like about these purebloods, they don't pry...

"Oh, it's no problem at all. I used to live in America. But after having my son, I thought it would be best to move to my roots. This way he could grow up with a proper education to be my Heir. It will be just a matter of few years that I start looking for tutors for him."

"And what about the father?" I can see it in her tone that she is hesitant to ask. Well, time to test the values of the Dark Side.

I just flippantly reply, "Oh, I wouldn't know. I blood adopted him you see. His parents... They died in the war... But he is as good MY son as any." I can't help but show a small smile at that. I'm already a mother, aren't I?

"That is very...brave of you. I am sorry to hear about the parents. The last war is still a sore wound for many..." She seems to accept this readily and does genuinely seem hurt with the war and the losses. I won't pry anymore, as there will be plenty of opportunities later to know more about the Dark Lord's Goals.

With a little reminder of sending the invite for that Tea Date, I leave after a few minutes. With this, getting close to the Malfoys should be easy.

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