Ch 21, A Father's Love

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The letter had nothing much of significance, just what Narcissa said. The invite is for a restaurant/café on River Alley on Dec 10, in the afternoon. So...tomorrow then. *Sigh* I need a dress...

With that I call for Tabby.

-the day of the meeting-

After getting ready an hour before the meeting, I check on Hade in the living room. He has started to show bouts of accidental magics now. I still remember a few days ago when Rose hurriedly called for me from my study to come to his room because he had suddenly started floating. Rose was so worried but Hade upon seeing me just started laughing joyfully and tried to push towards me. I was delighted by his shenanigans of course, but Rose was so furious.

After that just to be sure, she constructs a dome around him whenever she leaves him alone, like right now. Saying my goodbyes to Hade, I make my way outside the house to apparate to River Alley. Ever since I learned to apparate, I refuse to travel by Floo unless with Hadrian. The feeling is simply disgusting!

I arrive at one of the Apparition Points of the Alley and cast 'tempus'. Seeing that I have a few good minutes to spare, I decide to look around for a bit.




At the time of the meeting, the café that I arrive to is the type of small cafes you would see on the streets of Paris or maybe Italy. With a small sitting area outside and a cozy vibe inside. The only difference you could put is that it mostly caters to high profile clientele (Lords and Ladies apparently). When I enter and introduce myself, I am led to a single table on the balcony of the first floor, that has an enchanted view of the beach. When I step onto the balcony, I can sense that there is a silencing ward around the place for privacy. Nice!

I thank the waitress and take my seat facing the café's interior. I cast a 'tempus'-11:57. It is hardly a few minutes later that Lucius enters, led by the same waitress. I stand and he introduces himself first. I offer him my hand and he kiss the air above it. Those books I devoured paid off I guess...phew!

"Lady Emrys. It is a pleasure to finally put a face to your name. My wife sends her regards." He says while moving to his side of the table. Going with the heaviest title huh Malfoy?

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Malfoy. I'm glad you have agreed to meet me." I give a polite smile as both of us take our seats.

While we both order for a few refreshments, I can feel him staring. With no idea of what stance he wants to take, I go for neutral territory.

"So, How's Narcissa doing? I am afraid I have been declining to meet her for too long now. She's not upset, is she?" I ask while taking a sip of my milk tea. I can't stand the bitter taste of any other tea...Don't judge!

"She is fine if a little too enthusiastic for today's meeting." He stops for a moment, as if finally making up his mind. He brings his left hand to place on the table and says, "She told me about the unfortunate...incident during your first visit. The Malfoy Family is in your debt Lady Emrys. If not for you, my son would have..." okay... this is completely different from canon! And not in the way he said the words but the cracks in his pureblood mask that I can see. he really is grateful for saving his son's life. I mean, it would make sense, he is one those who had their child during a war and with him being a member of The Dark Lord's inner circle, it must put things into perspective.

Besides it has not been that long since Voldemort's 'death', so I completely understand the change. It's just astonishing how he is showing that change. I clear my throat and softly say, "There is no need for going to such lengths Lord Malfoy. I just did what any parent would." When I see him trying to refute that I interrupt, "And I fully understand you want to thank me, but I insist on not doing so with a debt. I said as such to Narcissa too."

He assesses me for a few moments and notices that I won't budge, so instead offers to make the Malfoy Family and the Emrys Family as 'Allied Families'. That would mean that; any financial, political or personal problems of one family would be shared with the other, our future generations would be acquainted and 'allied' in there friendships may it be personal or Platonical, and finally any title one family can be given or passed down to the other, if eligible!

Basically, as Emrys is the higher-ranking title - it would mean that the Malfoy family is now a branch family of the Emrys House.

Of course, all this would simply take an oath from both sides.

Well, I'll be damned...


*The sessions of Wizengamot, in which Isis would introduce and claim her seats, will be as following, in this FANFIC;

o Regular/official sessions- 4 times a year- Feb, May, Aug and Dec. These are basically for law introduction and reviewing- ' This is where Isis would claim her seats'

o Emergency sessions- like Trials- will be held Differently, or during the above sessions 'if urgent and secret' *

*Voting and seating will be as follows, according to floors in order of down to up;

· Lowest Floor :- Noblemen with no House- No vote- Ministry officials and reporters will also sit here

· 2nd Floor :- Houses not part of the Sacred 28 but still have a Lord/Lady- 1 vote- Potter, Bones, etc.- From here the Court is divided into the Three Factions 'Dark, Grey & Light'

· 3rd Floor :- Sacred 28- 3 votes (I have included Sayre Family in this)

· 4th Floor :- Founding Families and Founders of Hogwarts- 5 votes for Founders and 4 votes for Founding Families- Emrys, LeFay, Peverell,*

*Different pedestal with no difference in seating level is the one where Chief Warlock, Minister and The Head of DMLE will sit, facing the entrance.*

I know some people use Pendragon name too, but I didn't in the story before and it doesn't really have a significance in this story, so I haven't used that one for Harry.

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