Ch 16, "Master Hade"

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When I return in the evening, Rose informs me that Hadrian is taking his nap. So, after checking on him and setting his toys in his room, I move towards my study to go over the documents for the next – and my first – Wizengamot session in a few weeks. If everything goes smoothly, I could have Lord Malfoy introduce me to the Court. If not, then I'll have to go through waiting for the Session in Feb...And I'd rather not have to wait too long.

It would be good to have a respectable standing, as close to Hadrian's (or in this case Harry Potter's) change of guardianship as possible. With those calculative thoughts, I get to reading up the laws passed and the workings of the Wizengamot. Now that I have Proxies of Hadrian too, I try to assimilate and calculate the total votes I would have. With sway over all the Founders and the founding families, plus the other houses – part of the Sacred 28 and otherwise – I would have a total of...34 votes!!

Well, this is just amazing...! But let's not become too power hungry. I need to understand this world better, in order to execute this power efficiently. With this resolve, I inform Tabby to only call me for dinner (the only time I would get with Hadrian today) and to not disturb me otherwise. That should give me a good four hours to concentrate. "*sigh*...I can do this. Maybe."

-the next day-

Hmm...this feels nice... I feel like I'm floating on...maybe a bubble?... or is this water?

Curiously, I look down. And there is nothing down me! Or above me! "What the hell?!"

And... now I'm falling!!! This is like those cartoon shows. Where gravity doesn't exist until you look down! Damnit!! ... I'm getting too close to the floor!!!

Aand... "Oomph...That hurt like a-" *pop* "Good morning, Miss Fay!!" and that's Tabby.

I see now... I fell asleep on my desk. And with that dream, I fell off my chair. I stand up from where I was lying on the floor, behind my desk and address Tabby, "Morning. What time is it, Tabby?" And where's my shawl?

"It's 8 in the morning, Miss Fay. Master Hade is already up and playing in his room. He's had a light breakfast, and is dressed after a bath." She reports as she follows me around the study, on my excursion to find my shawl. Where did I put the bloody thing? I had it last night...

Right, I gave her instructions to update me on what Hadrian did while I was occupied. Or in this case, asleep on my desk. "Right. Prepare a bath for me Tabby. Then I'll have that breakfast. Thank you. And I've told you, just call me Isis."

"Yes, Miss Fay." She gives me that cheeky smile and just pops off.

"That cheeky little- there it is!!" Finally! It was on the chair that I slept on... "the only place I didn't think to look." Wrapping that around me, I move to Hadrian's room for some good morning kisses.

After a hearty breakfast, I sit by the fireplace with the book I bought on our first visit to Diagon Alley, House Charms: For Dummies. It is after some time that I receive the expected Tea Invite. It is in an envelope of a smooth ivory parchment, with the writing in elegant green ink.

Lady Rosier-Fawley-Emrys-LeFay

It would be my great honor to invite you for an evening of Earl Grey. As discussed informally at our earlier meeting, it would be a welcome to host a 'play date' for our sons.

Enclosed within are the timings and the Apparition point for Malfoy Manor

Lady Malfoy

It's inviting enough to not be too formal. She must have looked into my families to make sure I wasn't bluffing about my titles. The meeting is set for the next day – Dec 3 – at 4 in the evening. "I should send a response." I close my book and leave it at the side table. Tomorrow is going to be tiring.

-3 December, 2o'clock in the afternoon-

Hadrian is very excited with the idea of going out. Although a little irritated by the formal robes I made him wear. He keeps on tugging at his shoes, too used to the slippers he adores to roam around in. I pick him up from the living room floor, where he is tugging on his shoes again. "It's just for a while Hade. Besides, you're gonna make a new friend, right? Aren't you excited? Hmm?" he looks at me curious at the new concept I just presented to him. But I tickle him a little, and he giggles telling me to stop or 'Shtop' in his words.

I look at the time, and it's almost half past three, so I leave Hade to Rose to look after and get to my room for my outer robes, and some last-minute touches. Or in this case, practicing my 'mask' in front of the mirror. Can't slip in front of THE Malfoys...

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