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He loved me.

This man that I loved so much was in love with me.

I tried to hold on to that fact as I wandered inside his new apartment and looked around.

It wasn't the classic six penthouse DeShauna lived in on the Upper East Side, and it definitely wasn't the tiny yet modern place Maren rented on the Upper West Side.

Dominick's place felt like him. Well made and sturdy, but warm.

The thing that surprised me the most was the size of the place. In terms of apartments in the city, it was huge. And much like Dominick, it had a good vibe that drew me in. Big windows that would let in plenty of sunlight during the day. Exposed brick and refinished maple wood floors added warmth. The best part was the fireplace, which looked turn of the century with it's porcelain blue tiles.

It was cozy, if not a little outdated.

My high heels echoed through the mostly empty apartment as I walked toward the first door I came to, and I peeked inside. It was a bedroom that was just as cozy as the rest of the house, with exposed red brick and windows overlooking the New York skyline.

I knew this place couldn't of been cheap. Not with this view.

Dominick slid his hand around my waist and pulled me against his chest. Pressing a kiss against my shoulder.

Between the reveal at Blanche's and finding out Dominick had bought his own apartment, I was slightly overwhelmed.

The afterglow of really good sex and him finally telling me that he loved me might have something to do with it too.

"I can't believe how big this place is," I said, leaning into him and trying to take it all in.

He chuckled, and the sound warmed me from the inside out. "That's what happens when you leave Manhattan." His hand found mine. "Come on, I want to show you the best part."

"There's more?" I said, following as he led me to another door. He twisted the handle and pushed the door open, letting me look inside.

"You have a second bedroom!" I gasped as I dragged him into the space. I was immediately drawn to another open door, and found an ensuite. My jaw actually dropped. "And a second bathroom. Wow."

Dominick chuckled again, and he scrubbed at the stubble on his jaw. "Nothing's been updated since the fifties, so it's gonna need some work. But, I figure it's worth it."

Our eyes connected, and I didn't know what to say.

He'd spent a small fortune on this place, and I was trying to understand why. He didn't need a second bedroom or bathroom. Unless...he was getting a roommate. If Todd the Rod or Big Dick Nick were moving in, they would turn this place a bachelor pad.

How often would I see him if he lived in Brooklyn with his friends? Hardly ever.

Something cold and icy twisted inside my stomach.

"Who's all this space for?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

He pressed his lips together, pausing before he replied, "You. If you want."

Me? I studied his expression to see if he was joking, because sometimes it was hard to tell, but I didn't detect an ounce of humor.

He was serious.

"You can bring all your foam rollers," he continued, capturing my hand in his again and drawing me against his hard chest. "And the master bathroom has a big tub. You can put all your sea salt jars and candles and all that shit up." Pushing back a section of my hair, he added, "Then you won't have to worry about how you're going to afford your place downtown."

Dance For Me (Strip in the City, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now