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I was used to eating three square meals of stress every day, but even I wasn't accustomed to the buffet of obligations currently spread out in front of me.

Blanche's grand reopening was three days away, opening night for the Nutcracker was in two weeks, my bank account was dangerously close to looking like Maren's had a few months ago because I still hadn't found a new roommate yet, and my parents wouldn't stop breathing down my neck about meeting my new boyfriend.

The delicate balance that I'd established over the past decade had completely fallen apart, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could maintain this pace. I wasn't happy, and no one around me seemed happy either.

"Do you want to spend the night at my place?" Dominick asked as soon as rehearsal was over, wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing the side of my cheek. "I can take you to ballet in the morning."

I leaned against him, letting his warmth envelop me. His steady presence and unconditional love kept me grounded even when I felt like my world was being torn in two.

He was the only thing making me happy.

But even Dominick's support couldn't stitch me back together. Not right now. My back hurt, my ankles hurt. It was nearly one in the morning, and I had to be back in the studio at six.

"I want to stay over," I said, "but I should really stay at my place tonight. I need the extra sleep."

The commute back and forth to Brooklyn was eating up what little rest I was able to get, and all I wanted to do was collapse in my bed.

He kissed my cheek again. "I understand."

He sounded disappointed, and it killed me that I was letting him down, even in this little way. It made me want to agree to stay just to make him smile, but I was so emotionally and physically burned out, that I knew I couldn't. I had to listen to my body.

Even though it was hard, I was attempting to practice some of the self-care Dominick wanted me to, which was rest when I needed rest and remind myself that prioritizing myself wasn't disappointing others.

"Thanks again for agreeing to help me with Gemma's wish tomorrow. I owe you big time."

"It's no problem," I said, yawning as I reached for my bag, but Dominick scooped it up first, swinging it over his shoulder, before snatching my hand.

"One day, it won't be like this," Dominick told me, lifting the back of my hand to his lips and pressing a sweet kiss against my knuckles. Holding my gaze with those intense green eyes of his. "I promise."

I nodded and forced a smile, wondering if that was a promise he could keep.

We walked together through the blustery November night to the train station, where he kissed me goodnight and told me how much he loved me, before I swiped my Metro Card and took my ass back home. When I awoke the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock, I groaned.

Today was going to be a repeat of yesterday, as we needed one final dress rehearsal before Blanche's grand reopening, and I wondered how I was going to make it through the next forty-eight hours.

One minute at a time, that's how, I reminded myself. This was the life I wanted. I had ballet, a man I loved, and a hobby that fulfilled me. Being exhausted was the price I had to pay to have everything.

Every position I took that morning hurt, but I forced a smile and struggled through rehearsal.

"Is everything okay, sugar?" Kennedy asked, as I winced just lifting a bottle of water.

Dance For Me (Strip in the City, Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن