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"Dominick," Tan said, forcing a smile. "I'm glad you're here!"

My name came out of her mouth like an apology, but it did nothing to stop the pain. Fuck, the pain in my chest damn near brought me to my knees.

Her parents unwound their arms from around her, and quickly turned to face me.

One look, and I knew they'd never accept me. One look and I made my decision.

"So," Tan's mom said, appraising me with crossed arms, "this is the boyfriend?" She raised a brow. "The one you've been getting serious with?"

I watched Tan close her eyes and swallow hard.

Right now, I knew she was wishing I wasn't here. She was wishing I left them alone and remained the mysterious boyfriend.

But I couldn't do that anymore. Especially not after what she'd said.

I was just a distraction to her. The warm up act. The pity fuck.

I was just a Hot Stranger, and our relationship had gone too far. She was too nice to end things when they should've been ended, and I'd been too in love with her to see it.

God, that realization hurt so fucking bad. Like all the marks on my heart that she'd left had been deeper than I thought, and now I was bleeding out.

Her father shook a furious finger in my direction. "He's the one who convinced you to be a stripper, didn't he?"

I'd done a lot of things, but I hadn't encouraged Tan to get on stage. Not once. In fact, I protested her role as the choreographer for weeks. But she'd worn me down, and I caved into her because I couldn't stay away. Not when she was right in front of me.

I didn't react to his accusation. I didn't say a word to defend myself. He could think whatever he wanted to think because, honestly, I deserved his disdain. If not for this, then for the fact that I wasn't the man his daughter deserved.

I had to let her go.

Tan stepped between me and her parents. Her arms raised.

"No. This is not Dominick's fault," she told them, but they didn't seem convinced. "I volunteered for the job. It was my idea to dance."

It was really sweet, watching her trying to fix things. It almost made me believe this thing between us could be saved. But I couldn't do things halfway. I couldn't let her mark up any more of my heart, knowing I couldn't keep her. Knowing being with me would break her relationship with her parents. I wasn't going to be responsible for that. Even if I could forgive her for stringing me along.

I had to do the right thing and step away from her sunshine warmth.

"Dr. Nandy and Dr. Nandy," I said, meeting both of their judgemental glares, "I think you should take your daughter home."

I watched my sunshine girl wilt like a flower in the winter. Those big brown eyes of hers looked lost, and her voice was wispy. "Dominick, no. I don't want to leave." She took a step toward me. "What about our dance?"

Don't cave. Don't you dare give in. This was bound to happen. If not now, then later.

I kept my gaze fixed on her mom and dad. Pointing, I said, "If you follow this hallway down to the left, it will take you out the back entrance, so no one will see you leave."

They nodded, and for the first time since I appeared, they seemed satisfied. I was stepping aside and letting them leave with their dignity.

When they started collecting Tan's things, I didn't see a reason to stay and watch them go, so, as hard as it was to say goodbye to the woman who had taken up so much space in my life, I turned away from the dressing room and strode down the hallway.

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by AJ Arnault
After receiving terrible news about the future of her career, a NYC b...
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