Chapter 6

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Rheuss sat at the sofa in his parents house as they told him about the real reason they called him here and as he thought it was about his marriage.

"You have to behave there, show your good side and smile" his mother said to him.

Well, this has been going on since he arrived this morning.

His brother Dylan was smiling secretly in the corner and more like trying to stifle his laugh.

Dylan stopped laughing when he spotted his brother's deathly glare.

It was scary!

When Rheuss first arrived here he had asked about the thing as soon as he entered the house. This made his parents frown.

Rheuss knowing that his dad was just lying to him had planned to go home after lunch what he was not expecting was that his dad really had that thing so he has no choice but to stay and agree to this stupid marriage plan.

But they forgot that he is not dumb, he will make sure that the girl will definately say no.

Suddenly he remembered when he told about his plan to Ethan , he had said "Bro, then you must just get married right away as there is no girl that is gonna say no to you, you have everything, money,looks, are decent and have a good reputation, no one in their right mind will say no to you"

Somehow these words satisfied his ego but still were a big problem.

He and his family soon reached their destination and were escorted in by a waiter to a private room.

Rheuss remained back as he has to pick up a call which was important.

He was talking to the person on the other side of his phone who was his idiot best friend, he has told him to call him only when there is something really important but here he was talking nonsense that made him just want to go back and kill him.

While walking he collided with someone and before he can say anything the woman muttered a sorry and went away.

He thinking she was weird went to the room where his family was and with them what he assumed was Mr. Willows' family. His father's good friend.

He went and sat in his seat between his mother and his younger brother. The other family was sitting infront while the seat in front of him was empty, guess the girl was late.

He frowned, he didn't liked waiting. He observed the other family. He was told that Mr Willows has three children, two daughters and a son.

He saw the boy who was already married with his wife beside him and the girl, his supposed fiancée's sister also was sitting there.

"My friend" his dad spoke in a cheerful tone.

"Meet, this is my wife and my two sons Rheuss and Dylan that I have been telling you about" he said pointing towards Rheuss and his brother.

Mrs. Carter greeted Mr Willows and his family and sat down again

"Yeah, Seb, Meet my wife" Kenneth Willows said pointing towards the middle aged lady who sat beside him.

"This is my younger daughter Kelly and my only son Nathan and his wife Aria" he said pointing towards the people.

Both the families greeted each other and settled in their seats. Rheuss was quiet as usual.

Rheuss looked at the girl who was sitting between the empty chair and her brother, he saw the ring on her finger.

'She is married so the eldest girl is not yet married but the younger ones are' he thought and raised his brow to his father.

His mother seem to notice this too and was looking at her husband suspiciously.

"Aunt" came a somewhat familiar voice.

It was then he noticed the little girl who was standing beside Kelly. The same girl he had met when he dropped his nephew to his friend's house.

Her name was Emily if he is not wrong.

Suddenly the door to the room opened and a girl who seemed to be in her late twenties entered the room and looked at them.

Looking at her eyes she didn't looked pleased.

Reni eyed the people inside the room and stopped when her eyes landed on the man who was eying her intensely .

Ignoring him she sat at the empty seat.

Rheuss stared at the girl who just entered. No matter what, his eyes can't get over her, she was no special, with no makeup and no fancy clothes, she was a plain girl and still he can't get his eyes off her. She seemed to glow beautifully under his gaze.

Till now he never thought that simplicity can be so beautiful. He just stared and stared at her who is supposedly going to be his fiancée . He smiled inside and felt a little happy, it was like someone was pulling at his heart strings but the happiness vanished as quickly as it came as he remembered what he was doing.

It doesn't matter how beautiful or attractive the girl was, he has no intention of getting married to anyone but her. After refusing her when he looked at her again he felt something odd with his heart as if it didn't want to let go.

His thoughts were broken when a sweet voice of a child spoke "Mommy"

Rheuss visibly frowned, the girl his father chose for him already have a daughter.

'He can do better' he thought even though he felt something wrong, it was like if he let her go today he will regret it his whole life.

But still...

He can't believe his dad's choice.

His mother's thoughts were no different as she glared at his father.

Mr Willows coughed as to get rid of awkward atmosphere and said "This is my daughter Reni and..." he motioned his children with his eyes as Kelly stood up and picked Emily off Reni's lap.

"Emi let's go to get some icecream, the icecream here is delicious" she said coaxing the little girl to go with her.

'There was no way the girl was going' Rheuss thought, from his previous encounter he has known that this little girl was a stubborn one but he was surprised  again.

Emi looked at her mother and when Reni nodded she happily went with her aunt.

Now the ones left were just Reni and her parents and Rheuss and his parents, their siblings were shoed off.

"So this is my eldest daughter Reni as I told earlier and that girl was her adopted daughter Emily, she adopted her a year ago" Mr Willows said.

Then there was silence, Reni didn't even bother to look at the man her marriage was being discussed to and was just looking at the menu deciding on what to eat and somehow this ticked Rheuss off.

She was showing her dissatisfaction of being forced to be here clearly on her face.

"Let's let the children talk with themselves and if they don't have any objection we can set the marriage" said Mr Carter.

Rheuss snorted at his father's words, now he would not be surprised even if the dates were already decided. Even though his father said that but looking at the girl it felt that they both really don't have a say in this.

Everyone left the room and only Rheuss and Reni were left inside , enveloped in a really thick silence.

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