Chapter 9

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Reni reached the school entrance and went inside, she was a bit early so she waited for a while beside the gate.

After sometime the bell rang and all the kids started coming out and as usual after at least twenty minutes came out Emily, alone.

Emily spotted her mother beside the gates and ran towards her.


"Emily you are here" Reni said catching her daughter who ran to her. She looked behind her "Where are Alex and Kiely?"

"They didn't came today" said Emily with a pout.

"Don't be sad, they would surely have a reason for not coming" Reni comforted her little daughter who will not go to school if her friends are not going.

Whatever you say but Emily was more of a spoiled child who got whatever she wanted since childhood, there was no one to refuse her but she was still a kind girl.

Reni and Emily came out of the school holding hands.

Reni started to go towards the car she came in.

Emily noticed this and asked "Mommy do you came with uncle Mike today?"

"Emily....I" before Reni could say anything Emi ran to the car.

"Uncle?" she asked while tilting her head.

The window on the driver's side rolled down and Emi grinned "It's dad"

Rheuss flinched a bit at the name but calmed himself.

Reni came and opened the door of the back seat for Emi and got in with her.

Rheuss was enduring them making him seem like a driver just because of what his dad has said.

After they were inside Rheuss was about to start the car when Emily spoke "Mommy, why are you not sitting in the front?"

"That" Reni smiled sheepishly, Emi knew something she didn't want her so-called fiancée to know.

"I will go sit in front" Reni quickly spoke when Emi was about to speak.

Under the watchful eyes of Emily and Rheuss, Reni sat in the front.

Rheuss was amused inside thinking that she was afraid of her own daughter.

Rheuss started the car and pulled out of the school's driveway.

"Take and eat this Emmy, you might be hungry" Reni said giving Emily a lunch box.

Emily like a good daughter opened it a started eating.

"Slowly, it's still a bit hot" Reni said when Emily was eating fast.

"Mommy,you made it at the hospital kitchen, did you know that we will be going in the afternoon somewhere with dad?" Emi asked.

"The plan.." Reni started.

"I informed your mother just an hour before my arrival that we will be going shopping for our wedding dresses" Rheuss jumped in their conversation speaking in his usual cold voice but you can find a hint of softness when he talked with the little girl.

"Yay, we are going to buy a pretty dress for mommy" Emily cheered.

Reni smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm.

Reni has always wished for nothing but her daughter's happiness and even if she has to sacrifice everything for that she will do it without thinking twice.

Reni looked at the person who was driving with his focus fixed on the road. But it is not like she is ready to get married to someone she never met.

If he did anything to upset her daughter than he will wish not to be born in this world.

"Mommy can I get your phone" Emily asked from behind.

"Why, are you bored?" Reni asked.

Emily nodded. Reni sighed and handed her daughter the phone after unlocking it.

"Take it but not for a long time ok" she said.

Emi smiled in response and put her attention to the phone. She opened whatsapp and her aunt Eva's chat.

She put it on recording and wispered "Aunt, mommy and dad are going shopping, I am sending you our live location"

She sent it to her aunt and also sent the live location. After doing so she gave the phone back to her mother.

Reni took the phone and faced towards the mirror looking out.

Now it was Rheuss' turn to glance at her.

He looked at Reni as she sat with her cheek on the window, she looked a little tired.

He then looked towards Emily through the rear view mirror. She was quietly writing something in her notebook.

It doesn't matter how much he tried, he could not find any similar features between the mother and daughter.

Well, even if Emily was a carbon copy of her father then also their should be similarity between the mother and the daughter.

'She doesn't seem like her blood daughter' Rheuss came to this conclusion.

'So why did she reject me back then, was it because of that Mike guy?' Rheuss asked himself.

The thing that he was rejected by a girl, didn't settle well with him and nor did the fact of her having a lover,he was going crazy.

They soon reached the Wedding dress shop which from the exterior only screamed money.

Reni looked at the shop and the catelogs displeased but still went inside when Emi took her hand and tugged it towards the shop.

The insides were the same, they screamed money and luxury and on top of that they were taken to the VIP room.

Reni can't believe this, 'Did he took them here to flex his money' were her first thoughts.

A lady came to them "This way, sir mam"

"So for whom do you want to see the clothes first" the lady designer spoke politely.

"Mommy" Emily said with her eyes sparkling.

Rheuss didn't say anything.

"Why don't we get it for that man first?" Reni suggested. She didn't say anything about Emily calling him dad but to her he was still a total stranger.

Rheuss frowned at her disrespectful words.

"Ok" Emily said and the lady went to bring some men's clothes.

After the clothes were brought Emi looked through them enthusiastically "Mommy, which one do you think is better"

Emi asked pointing towards two different set of clothes.

"Choose which ever you like the most Emi" Reni replied smirking.

'Now let's see how he will look' she smiled evily.

Rheuss glanced at her and furrowed his brows at her expression. Still not saying anything he took the suit Emily picked and went to change.

He was not even a bit interested in this wedding but has to do these things just to prove to his parents that things are fine which they probably know are not but are still torturing him.

He again glanced at Reni who was on her phone talking to someone.

Rheuss hated her even more, he can't understand what his dad saw in this girl that he is hell bent in getting him married to her.

His mother was totally against this marriage after seeing the girl but his father was not ready to back down.

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