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Boarding the plane back to Seoul was something I didn't think I'd be doing right now, but currently, I was sat on a plane with Niki, and Miss Hwang's daughter, Seohee.

She was jumping about her seat, just like I did when heading to Jeju. I guess everybody really did live different lives. I was hesitant into coming back to Seoul, only doing it for the sake of Miss Hwang and Seohee, but Seohee was filled with excitement, hyper at the fact she's really going to the big city.

I stared out of the window, Seohee was sat on the window seat for a change, I was in the middle, and Niki beside me. I sighed, the plane moving and taking off eventually.

Niki looked at me, a miniscule smile appearing on his face as he stared at my completely unenthusiastic face.

"Seoul was that bad?" He inquired, raising a brow out of curiosity. I turned my head to look at him, pressing my lips together gently and nodding my head.

"I really didn't think I'd be back a week later." I groaned to myself, hating every second of this plane journey already.

"It's only for a few days, besides you're a resident in Jeju now, you're here for a long time." Niki gave a warm smile, I tried to return it, but mine was just a painful smile.

He didn't know I was here solely for the summer, and I wasn't planning on telling anyone either. I didn't want to make any connections, I didn't want any relationships in fear of them not working out. I just wanted a peaceful summer for myself. Then I'd head back to Seoul and continue with my monotonous life.

I gave a light sigh, he just looked at me, as if he could read my mind just based off my expression.

"I guess."

Niki leant his head back, his prominent jaw catching my gaze immediately. I found myself really checking him out as he literally just threw his head back to lean on the headrest, closing his eyes.

Why was this man so fine even though he was doing absolutely nothing. 

I found myself staring for a little too long, Niki just looked at me, a teasing smile slowly approaching his lips as I looked away.

"What? See something you like?" He nudged with a small wink, god, he was so irresistible.

"I'm not sitting next to you on the ride back." I scoffed, rolling my eyes as my heart beat out of my chest so quickly. I cleared my throat, looking everywhere but on his side.

"Alright then, if you say so." Niki laughed at me, the lights dimmed inside of the plane, and just by solely turning the lights off - my body became drowsy.

I didn't expect to even fall asleep, but it somehow happened just like that. It took me not even ten seconds to just close my eyes and drift away.

Only to be awakened by somebody repetitively squeezing my cheeks. I groaned lightly, fixing my posture and resting my arm on my neck, ouch, I was going to have neck pain for the next week.

Niki took his hand off my cheeks, looking at me with round eyes and a cute smile. I was so confused, til I realised that we were close to landing.

I blinked hard, staring at him, dumbfounded.

"Good sleep? I think my shoulder went numb." He massaged his shoulder as my jaw dropped slightly, I just looked at him, unable to say anything.

I closed my mouth, looking away from him out of embarrassment. Whoops.

"My bad." I quietly muttered as he gave another chuckle, pulling his phone out.

"Hey, look at this." He showed me something on his phone, and I really wish I didn't even look.

He showed me a few photos of me, leaning on his shoulder, completely fast asleep and looking comfortable as hell. Meanwhile Niki, in each photo, he threw up different poses, I chuckled at them.

"Wow who is that really hot girl there?" I pointed to myself as Niki went silent, pressing his lips together and staring at me with such a look of disbelief.

"Hot girl? Let's talk about that hot man right there, damn, who is that guy?" He pointed to himself, completely immersed in his beauty as he zoomed in the photo, solely just to himself.

I didn't resist against his comment, I stared at the picture, specifically at him. He wasn't wrong at all. Niki was actually very attractive, and I hated to even admit it.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now