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Curiosity kills, and being the very nosy girl I am, I waited for him to leave. I quickly scurried out of the cafe, tracing back his steps.

I felt weird, literally following a guy somewhere solely because I wanted to know the reason for his meetup with a girl like Saeron. I honestly never failed to make myself even more disgusted and questionable every day.

This Niki guy was taking a serious toll on my health.

Regardless, I made it near Niki's grandma's house again, and I wondered, why the hell was Saeron trying to meet him here.

Nonetheless, I leant against the brick-wall fence, they'd be unable to see me unless I stepped in front of the fence gate.

"Hey Saeron!" Niki greeted her, I could just hear the smile on his face.

"Oh, your grandma didn't use the stuff I brought her." Saeron spoke with a low tone, seemingly a little hurt.

Niki gave a small chuckle, unsure of what to reply with.

"She's old, you know she doesn't use stuff like that. She always complains it's too expensive to use." Niki responded with, trying to calm the situation down already.

"Oh." Saeron said, her voice was a little weird. It was a mixture of sadness, anger and also envy.

"What'd you need me here for? I had to leave someone important." Niki suddenly spoke, and I widened my eyes, the pacing of my heart increasing drastically once again.

Was I the important person? What? What was going on.

I found myself in a daydream, a very sudden and short one, completely missing parts of their conversation in my own daze of fluster.

I snapped out of it, still lurking behind a wall to overhear their conversation. I had actually realised how sad this looked.

"Well, I don't know.. I feel as if we just haven't been spending a lot of time together lately." Saeron gave a meek chuckle, one that was audible with bitterness, "Remember, we'd used to always go out together after school finished."

"Yeah, but that was when we were like, fourteen." Niki gave a small chuckle, probably equally as confused as me to why Saeron wanted him here.

"I know but it's still funny to look back on. Our families really thought we'd get married." She gave a laugh, and I just rolled my eyes, oh come on now.

"Yeah.." Niki returned a meek laugh, obviously feeling awkward.

"Hey, are you busy? Can we spend the day together? Or maybe two, I mean, you were gone for a few days with Yeojin, you can spare a few hours for me." She tried to make it sound jokingly, however, I just felt as if she was speaking in such a condescending attitude right now.

The jealousy was coursing through her whole body, no matter how much she tried to hide it with the amount of laughter and chuckles, it was so prominent.

"Uh, damn Saeron." Niki gave a low groan of thought, "I mean.. what's the plan.."

My heart sank slightly, hearing him give in. Damn, this guy was way too kind.

"Well! We can like, go out for a meal, then just walk along the beach, you know? It's rather hot these days so we can probably go swimming or something like that. How about that Niki? Hm? Like good old days?" Saeron persisted with her ideas, and I could almost sense Niki's irritance.

I didn't even want to hear Niki's answer, instead, I just walked away, ensuring they wouldn't see me walk past the gate.

I made my way slowly home, feeling a whole lot of dread and annoyance. Could he seriously of not just said no? Was it really that hard for him to do? I understood that him and Saeron were like best of buddies ages ago, but that was years ago. Seriously, it's the present, and he's still unable to say no.

I rolled my eyes, finding myself waaay too annoyed over some mediocre problem. It wasn't even that deep, I had spent a while with Niki anyways, I guess it was fair to give him over to Saeron for a bit.

That thought didn't ease my frustration whatsoever.

As I lay on my bed, feeling helpless, my phone pinged with a few texts. I expected it to be none other than Jeongu, however, I raised my phone up to my face, my eyebrows slightly raising at the random text I received.

jiny0ung: im near your town

jiny0ung: r u busy?

I sat upright, in complete disbelief. One of my colleagues, who I was one of the closest with, arrived at Jeju.

Hurriedly, I sent him a reply back.

y_eojin: ?????? you're in jeju????

jiny0ung: was just wondering what was so appealing about this place that it made you leave us with seungmin...

jiny0ung: get your ass over where i am rn

I gave a lighthearted chuckle, the thought of Niki and Saeron dispersing for a while. I made my way immediately, down to the address he sent me afterwards.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now