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I watched from my car across the street as I saw Omari and Sevyn walking hand in hand into a fancy restaurant across the street. My blood began to boil as Omari kissed her on the lips. I rolled my eyes at the sight. This bitch really doing too much with my man.

It's been a couple weeks since she met Sevyn at the club and she had been following Sevyn around lately. She even found out which dorm she lived in and sometimes she would sit out front of her dorm, waiting for her to leave her building. She even followed her to Omari's house one time. He had a nice condo. Tonight she followed them to this fancy restaurant and she was about to get her man back.

I hopped out of my car, careful not to follow too close behind them. My heels clicked against the pavement as I made my way to the entrance of the restaurant. It was packed.

"Table for one?" The host asked and I nodded, looking around, making sure I didn't get noticed. "Follow me." She said, grabbing a menu from the host stand and leading me to a table. I looked around in search of Omari and Sevyn but I didn't see them. "Is this okay?" The host asked as she came in front of a booth.

"Yes, thank you." I nodded, taking a seat.

She placed the menu down on my table. "The waitress will be with you shortly." I thanked her again and she walked away. I started looking around, in search of Omari and Sevyn again. I finally saw Omari sitting at a table by himself. Time to work my move. I grabbed my clutch and made my way towards him. I finally got to him and slid in the booth beside him. He looked irritated.


I decided to take Sevyn out for dinner tonight, just because I wanted to spoil her like the queen she is.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Sevyn told me as she slid out the booth, heading towards the bathroom. He smiled just thinking about how happy she made him. He watched her walk away and the way her ass was jiggling in her red dress was making him hard, he couldn't even lie. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started scrolling on his social media, not even paying attention to his surroundings. He felt someone slide into the booth beside him, he smiled thinking it was Sevyn but as he looked up he saw Shay, his ex. His whole demeanor changed. He was annoyed.

"Hey baby." She said flirtatiously.

"Yo, the fuck you on. Look I'm here with my girl and I aint got time for your b.." She interrupted me by grabbing me by my face and kissing me, I pulled the fuck away.

"Nigga is you fucking crazy?" I said, aggressively as hell. This bitch done lost her mind. "Yo move around." I slid out of the booth, causing her to slide with me. She fell on the floor and I got up to go look for Sevyn.


Washing my hands, I grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and dried my hands, throwing them in the trashcan . I smiled thinking about how I was really on a date and I'd never been on one, well atleast before Kairo came around. He'd taken her on dates but she's never been on any before she met him. Kairo was really about to make her fall in love.

I made my way back to our table but I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked towards the table that Kairo was at. I watched as him and a woman sat there, kissing. They pulled away and I now noticed that the woman was Shay. "What the fuck?" I said under my breath as I let the tears fall down my face. I couldn't believe he brought me out just to do some shit like this to me. I had so many questions. Had him and Shay been fucking with each other? Was she getting close to me just to get close to Kairo? When did she even get here? I pushed all those questions to the back of my head as I made my way to the door, leaving Kairo and Shay there. I gently wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand as I walked towards the nearest bus stop.

I couldn't lie and say I wasn't hurt. Kairo and me really built a bond, atleast I felt like we did so for him to do something like that and not even give a fuck about doing it in my face is crazy.

I finally made it to the bus stop that was 2 blocks away. I sat down on the bench and waited for the next bus to come as I clutched my purse. A bus came every 15 minutes. She wasn't sure when the last bus came but she hoped another one would be coming soon because it was a little chilly outside. It was the middle of September.

A bus finally pulled up and I stepped onto it, paying the fare and finding a seat. I looked out the window, watching the cars pass by. I leaned my head up against the back of the seat as my phone buzzed in my purse. I pulled it out to see it was Kairo. I let it go to voicemail.


Kairo sat in his car outside of the restaurant and called Sevyn. Her phone went to voicemail multiple times. He didn't see her leave but he figured she did. She was in the bathroom when Shay came over with her bullshit but he figured she'd seen it, that was the only explanation for her ignoring him.

Kairo pulled his weed out of the middle console and a rello and rolled up. I needed to smoke. Once it was rolled, he lit it, taking a long pull from the blunt. He leaned his head back on the seat as he exhaled the smoke from the blunt. Sevyn was officially his and he'd be damned if some bitch fucked it up for him. He took another pull from the blunt before he put it out in his ashtray in the cup holder. He sighed as he made his way towards Sevyn's school.

He pulled up to her dorm building just as he saw her about to head inside. He watched her as she walked barefoot, holding her heels in her hand. Fuck she so sexy. He thought as he watched her hips sway from side to side as she walked. He hopped out of the car and rushed over to her. "Sevyn." He called her.


Sevyn took off her heels because they were hurting her feet. She carried them in her hands. She couldn't stop the tears that were falling from her eyes. At this point they were uncontrollable and she wished they would just stop.

Sevyn was about to walk into her dorm building when she heard a familiar voice call out her name. "Sevyn." She turned around to see that Kairo was walking towards her. What the fuck did he want?

"What do you want?" I turned around, wiping the tears from my eyes. I didn't want him to see me crying.

"Mama, you okay?" I could see the sincerity in his eyes but honestly I didn't give a fuck at this point. He could go be with that bitch. He reached out to grab me but I snatched away from him.

"Now you care if I'm okay? Go be with that bitch since you kissing on her and shit." I hinted at the fact that I saw him and Shay kissing and that's why I was mad. I unhooked the necklace from around my neck that he gave me as a gift awhile back and tossed it at him. "Fuck you Kairo." I stormed off towards my dorm building as he continued to call out my name. Fuck that nigga.

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