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I couldn't lie, I missed the fuck out of Kairo but one thing I wouldn't allow him to do was play in my face. He had been calling me for the past week nonstop but I just couldn't bring myself to forgive him. Cheating was one thing but cheating in my face was another. He made so many promises to me and he broke them all.

Sevyn was sitting at her mother's gravestone. She was the only person she wanted to talk to when life was kicking her ass. "I miss you so much mom. You'd be so proud of me." Tears fell down my face and I didn't even bother to wipe them away. "You remember the guy I told you I met, Kairo?" She talked to the gravestone as if her mom could actually hear her. "He cheated on me and it sucks because I thought he was the one." More tears fell. I really wished my mom was here. She knew she wasn't suppose to question God but she couldn't help it, she wondered everyday why he took her mother away. She wondered everyday if he was real then why would he not save her mother from cancer. She just didn't get it but she guessed everything happened for a reason.

I rubbed my hand across my mother's gravestone. "I love you mom."

I sat there for another 10 minutes, just letting the tears fall. My emotions were everywhere right now and I just wished my mother was here to tell me that everything would be alright.

"I just wished this was all a dream, mom. You were my biggest supporter." The tears fell on her gravestone as I continued to cry. "I'll see you later, mom." I leaned over and kissed her gravestone. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and got up, dusting off my ass because I was sitting on the ground. I walked out of the graveyard, heading back to my dorm.

I made it to my dorm building and unlocked the door using my keycard. I stepped into the building and made it to my room. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Diamond wasn't here. I sat down on my bed and literally just let the tears fall. It was too much right now.


Kairo stepped into his condo and turned the lights on in the living room as he rolled his suitcase into the bedroom. He came back into the living room and sat down on the couch. He had just made it back from Miami. Him and D spent 3 days in Miami before they decided to come back home.

Kairo sat down on the couch and searched for something on the tv. He couldn't lie, he was tired of being in his condo alone. He missed Sevyn so much but she really wasn't fucking with him no matter what he did. He pulled out his phone and called her, it went to voicemail. "Fuck!" He tossed his phone and it slid across the marble floor.

Kairo walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of crown royal out of the cabinet. He then grabbed a glass and poured some in it, placing the bottle back in the cabinet. He made his way back to the living room with his cup and sat back down on the couch. He rolled up a blunt and took a puff from it. He got up and grabbed his phone, calling Sevyn again.

"Kairo what the fuck do you want?" She answered the phone irritated.

"You, mama. Can we talk?"

She didn't answer for awhile. "Talk about what?"

"Sevyn, I don't want that girl. She kissed me. Can you atleast let me explain myself."

"Talk then." She said, irritated.

I smacked my teeth. "'Mama, I swear I ain't thinking bout no other bitch. That girl is my ex."

"Then why were you kissing her?" She asked.

"I wasn't, she kissed me. She came and sat down beside me. I don't even know how the fuck she knew where we were."

"You really want me to believe that?"

"Can I just see you?"

"Naw, I'm good. I'm not answering if you call again." She hung up. I threw the phone across the room. She was so fucking stubborn.


I sat outside of Omari's apartment as I watched him walk inside with a suitcase. I couldn't help but admire him. I missed him so fucking much and I wasn't going to stop until he was mine again. I parked my car and took the key out of the ignition. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. He finally swung it open. He didn't look happy to see me.

"Bitch, I swear on everything I love I'll fucking kill you."

"What did I do, baby?" I tried to step inside but
he put his arm in the way, blocking me.

"Shawty how the fuck you know where I stay?"

I didn't answer that because I couldn't let him know that I'd been following him for the past week. I just smiled. "You look good."

He smacked his teeth. "Shay, whatever we had is over. Get away from my door you crazy bitch." He slammed the door in my face. I couldn't lie, that hurt but I wasn't going to let up. I was gonna make sure that his life was a living hell. If I couldn't have him, nobody can.

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